
Also, morally, it’s worse. It’s bad to do this at any age, but the younger the women are the worse it is. When it starts becoming unclear if they are women or girls you are crossing a new line.

I though you were being sarcastic to the poster but see you weren’t actually giving her a hard time!

There is more to a person’s well being than feminist clothing values. Middle school can be a viscous place and clothing choices can make it worse. There is no cut and dry on this. Bullying - by teachers or students - will have an outsized effect on a student’s psyche. I would never blame a parent for being thoughtful

This is what makes sense to me. Hate the policies and personality of one, think the temperament’s okay. Like the “policies” but REALLY hate the personality and temperament of the other one.

Is using a racial slur worse than sexually assaulting women? Can we just say they are both filthy disgusting behaviors?

America is very guilty of ignoring Trump’s racist statements and actions but the outrage is not coming from the “insult” to the (hot white) host on that video - it’s the description of assault. He already insulted “hot white women” many times, including Megan Kelly. The leaked video is more like if he was on video

Ok - I can understand that you don’t like the framing. I don’t think it’s crazy though to think a minority group might in general be against a candidate who has spent an entire election insulting everyone except white men. I can pretty easily sum up the white male reaction to Hillary though, I don’t think that one is

Do you have links to any of these analyses? The debate actual made me sort of “like” Pence b/c he seemed to have so little interest in defending Trump. But I had a yelling two year old running around while I was watching so I missed a lot of what was being said.  

She gained a ton of support after the debate

I was wondering about that. His continual talking over Pence was actually kind of annoying but it also blocked Pence’s ability to relay some alternate universe Trump narrative.

Women aren’t a monolith but a majority of women dislike Trump. There are usually trends among among different groups.

Women aren’t a monolith but a majority of women dislike Trump. There are usually trends among among different groups.

How can you exaggerate how bad he is? He is so, so bad. Every day there are three more articles on absolutely awful things he has said or done.

I sort of think he’s unmitigated evil. He caters to the KKK and steals from his own charity while refusing to pay small businesses that he employs. He’s a cartoon Disney villian. 

yes - I agree that we can’t know his intentions - which is what I wrote in the first place :)

yes, the liberal purity test is everywhere.

you’re arguing something different. This conversation started out as whether he was committing “suicide by cop.”

One common mistake people make in these sort fo situations is saying “well if that were me I would have _____” and they make judgements from there. But people have wildly varied and non-intuitive responses to stressful situations. It’s not outside the realm of possibilities that he was trying to get killed, but I

You can’t, reasonably, have an opinion about a man’s intentions from a single image, when you don’t know him and he was in the middle of a mental breakdown of sorts, indicating he was not thinking logically. What you think would happen in that situation is not necessarily what he was thinking would happen in that

I was sort of with you on the last post but this is ridiculous. This man was in the middle of a break down. You have NO idea what was going on in his head. Erratic behavior is just that, erratic, not necessarily a grand plan to commit suicide.