I think he/she meant a disqualifying secret illness. Not a treatable, temporary low-level condition.
I think he/she meant a disqualifying secret illness. Not a treatable, temporary low-level condition.
Well, we need people defending Clinton. Otherwise it would be ONLY reactive criticism, and in fact it appears the terrible concern everyone had that Clinton had some horrible medical condition was indeed misplaced. The fact is we didn’t know what was going on and some people assumed the worst and others assumed the…
Overheating wasn’t exactly bullshit , she did overheat, and combined with pneumonia, it made her faint. I get what you’re saying but she’s been walking around not fainting with pneumonia for days (weeks?) so it also wasn’t just pnuemonia. It was certainly a combination of being sick, heat and the emotional weight of…
Well, now we know she has pneumonia so the story has been resolved.
Thanks for your perspective. Certainly I have sympathy, broadly, for those suffering from mental illness. I do tend to think of personality disorders where manipulation and lack of empathy are intrinsic to the disorder in a slightly different category than, say depression, or even bipolar disorder (where behaviors are…
well, okay. I’m trying empathetic. But I had a boss who was a narcissist and it is difficult to feel empathy for that man, especially because trying to manipulate you into feeling empathy was one of his tricks.
As someone living in San Diego, 80 degrees is consider a horrible heat wave by the majority of the city.
My brother-in-law care for me. Just saying.
oh yes, Bernie the Spring Chicken!
Interesting and thanks for responding. To me anti-social personality disorder sounds just as bad a sociopath. Do people with anti-social personality disorder “struggle” with their condition? Are they wishing they didn’t have it? My general impression is they don’t really care that they don’t care about other people.
This doesn’t have to be an either-or thing and, taking the overheating explanation at face value, probably it is not. “Emotions” are chemical events that happens in the brain and effect your physiology so I don’t think the idea that a hot suit+bulletproof vest + general stress + probably not much sleep + [maybe she…
By some of the logic on this thread, Hitler wasn’t anti-Semitic, he was just a psychopath.
What’s the proper medical term now? Sociopath?
Again opportunist and racist are not mutually exclusive.
Trump is 100% definitely racist. His racism does not appear to have the PASSION of some of his supporters’ racism and I think that’s what you are picking up on. But your argument seems to be that he is not racist because he is a sociopath, as though those are mutually exclusive. They are not.
For such a “self-aware” ad - they sure do have a focus on men.
Someone else pointed out upthread that a lot of those studies only look at offense rates one year out of prison and also, does the relative rate really matter when you’re comparing things like molestation to drug use or theft?
Ha! But it’s not like liberals are impervious to this. Exhibit A : Bernie’s Bird
So happy to have someone agree with me - ha. I dated a short guy once and he was very unhappy about how taller men had more professional success. He had all these stats. And he wasn’t even that short! If short men have trouble, women must really be in trouble.