
Like I said in a different thread, this isn’t a joke. She’s setting a very dangerous precedent. What happens when a cop kills two gay men because that is what Leviticus tells him

yup! the MBA dude said they ordered her an old one special off Ebay.

I think she does give a fuck otherwise she wouldn’t do so much stupid shit to get people’s attention.

Isn't there someone close to her that cares enough to tell her how ridiculous and contrived her weird faces look.

Seriously! That last guy, with the “why do they keep sending pussy pics?” Uh, dude, probably because you asked. And specifically went out looking for the type of girl that would send a pussy pic pre-last-names.

For the love of god children, if you want to have casual sex, have all the casual sex. It it leaves you feeling “emotionally hollow”, you dont massively enjoy it, and you actually care about “losing” the person who’s tinder messaging you for a fuck?

I get that fear with Facebook too. Like, I post a link to something with a sassy who-wants-to-fight-me attitude and then it turns out that someone does want to fight me.

What I love is when someone replies to a comment I made 2 years ago, on a subject I’ve significantly changed my opinion on. Of course my first reaction is to defend my old opinion, because I’m stubborn like that.

So it's not just my fb friends. Comforting.

  • Ciara and Russell Wilson: Still not fucking! [Page Six]

I totally read it as “Candy Groves” and assumed it was her stripper name. Hunh.

That insane twitter ranting should not be held against all the Cadys.

I just got a reply saying Slimer should be Slimette something something SJWs something something.

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

She’s the captain of the ship, her word is law when at sea. At no point did she malign anyone, she simply enforced order.

Frankly I thought it was pretty awesome.

And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.

I was really hating my job until I read about the poor woman who has to charge a 10 year olds cell phone to exactly 99%.