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    I’m curious as to what you think these “better solutions” are? The fetuses in question dont have loving families waiting to give them happy lives, women usually don’t get abortions for fun, they do it because they’re in bad situations and they don’t want to bring children into those situations. In such cases forcing

    I am a woman, I go to bars, I have never been approached by anyone except other women and I don’t swing that way. Sorry to ruin your pitty party.

    Thanks to working night shift, I am now as pale as I always wanted to be in high school. Livin’ those adolescent goth dreams!

    There IS a Hot Dog Princess on Adventure Time.

    Was the guy that came out of the washer supposed to be better looking than the guy that went in? Cause he wasn't.

    It wasn’t necessarily just women though. Historians suspect Lord Byron died of medical complications resulting from anorexia, which he likely developed out of a desire to look romantically frail and sickly.

    I’m sorry but clearly #BDWong is the way to go here.

    I mean...she only had to have sex with a guy she’s already been having sex with...

    You’re right, it’s ok that she’s dead because she wasn’t a good girl from a nuclear family that lived in a house with a white picket fence out front.

    That gif makes me want to start an urban legend where if you try on a piece of clothing from her line and then take a selfie in the dressing room mirror, Beyonce will magically appear in the back ground giving you side eye.

    Why was the past future so much more interesting than the present future?

    “Courted”? She’s not a debutante in the antebellum south, she wasn’t being “courted” she was being whored out by her greedy, shameless parents.

    People who work in any sort of creative field should take note that if you feel the need to come out and call what you’re doing “edgy”, then you’ve already failed.

    Wow, I’ve never seen a redesign that took literally nothing from the original design before...it’s kind of impressive in how completely without character it is.

    If this is a prequel to Snow White and the Huntsman, shouldn’t the evil queen’s brother with whom she seemed to have some sort of creepy, incestuous relationship be in there somewhere? Or did whoever wrote the script forget he existed?

    Well I didn’t say the episode wasn’t entertaining, it just didn’t do anything with the premise that hadn’t been done before.

    If it’s going to come to the same conclusion every time then I don’t feel the need to see any new ones that come out. Anyway theres no need for it to because it shouldnt be hard to come up with an argument against eliminating an entire group of people other than “but it would be less fun without them! And who would we

    Let me guess, this theoretical world run by women will be a peaceful, glistening utopia but also kind of boring because there wont be any of the fun stuff that is traditionally associated with men (what specifically this stuff is will depend on the writer.) Throughout the course of the story the stuck up bitches who

    This just seems to me like someone’s fetish got WAY out of hand.

    My job causes me to sweat profusely. Showering any less than 4 times a week is a no go.