
This is what is driving me insane. It’s not like they keep models in a room and spin a wheel to pick who gets to walk that day and it’s always a surprise, they carefully choose who they want to walk and they STILL can’t get it together?

Does it count if you go sit in front of a nearby body of water with a 6-pack and chill together? Because I plan to moon it up like that. $7.99 + gas.

I don’t trust or like any birds, tbh.

“We’ve been able to date the pants” But the bodices are still sitting home watching Netflix on a Saturday night? (if you were thinking about letting me out of the grey please don’t count this bit of stupidity against me?)

Tangent: Queen Victoria was fantastically nutty, but she was far more human and interesting than most people her credit for.

$58 million, huh?

Pretty horrified that any adult woman raising a baby girl thinks vaginas make something “dirty.” Did she try to get her money back from her husband too?

They could have had one of the brides say that when they’re considering leaving. The one who kept wanting to go back in the movie. (Sorry, I don’t remember her name. I only really remember three.). Even though she changed her mind and kicked ass by pretending to want to go back.

I doubt she would see the irony. She seems to have her head pretty firmly up her own ass.

It’s pretty rich of her to construe a homeland security dude doing his job as “trying to get his 15 minutes” considering she hitched her wagon to an aging alcoholic superstar and hasn’t looked back since.

She does a rich, famous actor. That’s what (who) she does.

Hmm. I really didn’t have an opinion on Amber Heard either way until just now. And now I think she’s an ass.

Haha you are wrong, but I appreciate the vigor of your argument.

So Marc Jacobs look for Fall is “Every Guy Who Sold Me Drugs While Trying To Sex Me Up By Quoting From Siddhartha At A Small Liberal Arts College In The Pacific Northwest In The Late 80s”?
Good to know.

We’re in a very decadent age of Hollywood right now, like the historical epics of the 50s. I can’t believe that Jurassic World had such a pull on crowds despite weak trailers and mediocre reviews. A roaring piece of art like Mad Max comes along and can hardly break 150 min domestically.


what a bunch of babies

They could have been drinking milk, but they'd STILL have that tea kettle whistling. Remember Fatal Attraction? I think every room had a tea kettle in it!

OK. I need everyone to know this:

I recently went to get my daughter's hair cut and I brought out a magazine and asked her to pick how she wanted her hair.