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    Sorry but I just don’t buy that, I don’t buy that the kinds of guys who regularly pay for sex are usually swimming in offers for free sex but just don’t want to have breakfast with the woman the next morning. I also don’t buy that anyone would touch Charlie Sheen’s penis in any context that didn’t involve some type of

    Those are some of the most unflattering pants I’ve ever seen.

    I always wonder how carpet in bathrooms doesn’t wind up with mold undrneath it.

    You could add an “....and yet...” to the end of almost any generic empowerment slogan.

    This seems like kind of a stretch. I don’t see what about the shirt made you assume it was specifically meant to be applied to sexual situations. It seems more like a generic slogan encouraging the reader to be more assertive and even if it were applied to sexual situations, it doesn’t seem lIke an endorsement of date

    I got into an argument in the Victimology class once with a woman who thought prostitution shouldn’t be legalizes solely because she believed that if it was adultery would become rampant, she also believed that the legalization of gay marriage would somehow destroy heterosexual marriage. I always find it kind of sad

    If she did that people would call it “pandering."

    Based on what I’ve observed of you humans and you’r ways, most people think that there’s NO excuse for their partner not telling them but can think of a million good reasons no to tell their partner. I’ve never been in a relationship myself and hearing those million good reasons makes me think it’s not worth the

    The Macklemore hate thing is just getting tiresome, especially the repeat insistence that he’s a super safe, manufactured, commercial “pop” star when one of the things he’s known for is refusing to be signed to a record label because he didn’t want to compromise himself creatively. It probably wouldn’t have been

    Since most of the jokes in the first film were about Derek and Hansel being idiots, that’s entirely possible.

    #niceguyproblems #hypergamousbitchez

    Due to a combination of Catholic guilt and being a latchkey kid and thus able to watch whatever I wanted on tv until my mom got home, my earliest thought about sex were what most people would probably consider very unhealthy. The first sexually based fantasy I had was about being buried in a coffin under ground with

    I currently have an artist friend make me dangling earring out of my wisdom teeth, so I don’t feel it’s my place to judge.

    Apparently it’s the 70s again.


    This is the pretty weak list, I mean...hello:

    Hey, pump your breaks dude, us filthy liberals are not any happier about this than you are. We’re not all vegetarians ya’ know.

    So...he’s basically saying “guys, I know you love your wives, but it is your christian duty to rape them if they reject you. Caring about your wife’s feelings and seeing her a person instead of a fuckable cow is displeasing to god.”

    The baseless Macklemore hate just keeps getting more and more tiresome. If he were less popular you people would love him, fuck off.

    I remember knowing a lot of kids who said they were in relationships but didn’t have any interaction with eachother beyond passing notes between classes because their parents wouldn’t let them go on dates.