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    So if I just pretend that I’m still in highschool I can convince myself that I’m totally normal!*weeps softly*

    A friend of mine’s ex would not only blot the grease but put a napkin on top of the cheese the press from crust to tip to squish out the excess sauce because for some reason she liked her pizza with almost no sauce. It only took one meal with her for me to realize their relationship was doomed, unfortunately it took

    Based on my own field observations it seems like most of these guys can’t get laid but have bought into a culture that tells them that getting laid is the most important thing. To make themselves feel better about what they see as the ultimate shortcoming they either a) jack their standards up unrealistically high and

    There already was a lady cenobite.

    Yes but corsets exist now so luckily I can wear one when I feel like it (and not if I don’t) without having to put up with all that other crap. No offense but this whole thing reads like it was written by one of those people who goes to the Renaissance Fair and spends the whole time making condescending remarks about

    Ah, Hollywood, that magical place where a woman can be both a highschool freshman and a middle aged house wife and then (only a few years later) a grandmother.

    I know, right? Christmas doesn’t start until ATLEAST the day after Halloween....WE HAD A DEAL DAMN IT!!!!!

    My relgious relatives post the same stuff...along with pictures of all the espensive decirations they have up and talk about how they’re going into debt to buy their kids all iPads this year...:/

    Part of being a good elected official is upholding the law regardless of your personal feelings about it. If she doesn’t want same sex unions to be legally recognized she has every right to make whatever efforts she can to have the law changed (though I personally hope that those efforts would not succeed) but in the

    Listen, I love Miss Piggy as much as the next gal but I cannot condone the hog shameing tone of this article. Kermit and Piggy clearly had problems with their relationship that they felt they could not reolve and, much as it breaks my heart to see them apart, I will not stoop to blameing this poor sow for their

    Based on you’re impassioned defense of Hanna Montana, I’d say I’m not nearly as invested as you are.

    Heh, no, this whole “I’m caraaaaaaazy now! LOOK HOW TOTES CARAAAAAAAAZY I AM!!!!!! But I totally don’t care what anyone thinks of me.....EVERYBODY NOTICE ME NOT CAREING!!!!#!#!” Is a really obvious contrived act to hang on to relevence now that she’s too old to be a Disney channel kid. They all go through some

    Reffering to something like this as “cheating” reminds me of when I overheard my cousin begging her mom for permission to get a tattoo because she wanted to be “rebellious."

    Honestly, this doesn’t look any less schlocky than the tv show and will probably be perfectly serviceable for the target audience of the books, that being people ages 9-14. I’ll probably wind up seeing ay midnight while slightly drunk.

    IDK, this just seems like that trend in romance anime where you spend an entire hour on the will-they-wont-they of a forbidden lust between two “siblings” but then eventually find out that SURPRISE it’s not quite as forbidden as you though because it turns out one of them is adopted or something (but it’s still kinda’

    I’ve always thought that instead of going off and having an expensive vacation just after their wedding, newlyweds should be forced to endure some sort of horrible experience together, something really unpleasant and frustrating. Then, after seeing each other at their worst, they decide if they still want to be

    IDK, I guess I’ll wait and see but it seems like the more of these comedic subversions of fairy tale tropes they make, the lazier they get.

    Also, dude does not look a thing like this guy:

    She’s gorgeous and rich...how hard could it possibly be for her to get ahold of some sperm?

    A portion of it is also luck.