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    Not regretting it and it being planned are two different things.

    It wasn’t even a back story.

    I just thought it was sort of boring and unnecessary since it didn’t tell me anything that wasn’t already heavily implied in the movie. *shrug*

    They have no arch support and you have to constantly keep your foot arched to keep them from falling off, how is that comfortable?

    I’m guessing they wanted Megan Fox to play the birth mother but couldn’t get her.

    Can you say Patrick Batemen?

    My guess is that the “extensive interviews” were less about seeing how compatible people were and making sure they’re...ya’ know, not crazy and more about trying to predict which pairings would create the most ratings friendly drama.

    CALLED IT!!!! Seriously, the first time I saw an ad for this show I turned to my mom and said “how much do you want to bet that results in AT LEAST one abusive relationship.” Unfortunately she did not take me up on it so I won’t be profiting from my foresight but I guess I can settle for bragging rights.

    Right? Because nothing emboldens a shy person like being in an emotionally (and possibly physically) abusive relationship with someone who’s really angry and controlling.

    Based purely on the color of his skin, Obama would have been a slave. And why would being “forbidden from being black” lead them to “rest easy”?

    Wow, she just keeps diggin’ that hole, doesn’t she?

    When did Dave Chappelle get all articulate?

    IDK, that’s nice of her but I don’t think it’s really news. Giving a crazy big tip to at least one server seems like a kind of rite of passage among the newly famous.

    We can all take solace in the fact that he lived the most awesome life possible. Seriously, the man did EVERYTHING. I can’t imagine he died with many regrets.

    Well...it said that he OFFERED her a Quaalude, which is a super skeevy think to do to someone you’d just met but it’s not quite on par with dropping that Quaalude into their drink when they’re not looking.

    They keep leaving them on our front porch...we use them as kindling.

    So are him and Chris Pratt just going to be in everything from now on?

    IDK, he never looked all that big to me.

    Will this make-up get me a boyfriend like this guy?:

    I’m still confused as to how “sickos” that your child will never even meet mastrubating to a picture of them that you posted on Twitter is going to hurt them. I mean, sure it would be horrible if you were posting pictures of your kids on a site specifically intended for that purpose but if there’s people out there