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    Plastic surgery....I know we’re all supposed to pretend we have unshakeable self esteem but I’ve often found myself thinking that it might be a good thing I’m not rich because if I had the option of just getting everything about myself that I don’t like hacked off I don’t think I’d be able to resist the temptation.

    Men have been screeching “WOMEN DON’T CARE ABOUT LOOKS!!!” forever. If it were true, they wouldn’t still be complaining. Other equally shallow factors like wealth and social status can compensate for a lack of physical attractiveness but that doesn’t mean women are less shallow than men.

    Ummm, no. “It’s ok for men to stop trying and you should still totally want to bang them no matter how much weight they gain because they’re nice guys and, I mean, what are you? some sort of shallow bitch? ...but you better hurry up and work off that baby weight missy! Having kids is no excuse for being lazy!” Has

    Well, of couse, every man deserves a woman who is both better looking AND less shallow than he is...because biology or some shit.

    Exactly! All I’m trying to say is that you’re a stupid, selfish bitch who acts like you’re SO hot even though you’re AT BEST a four....and you should date me.

    For a while it was trendy at my high school to snort pixie sticks.

    Flying cars would combine all the dangers of driving with all the dangers of flying a plane.

    Can’t help but feel that rappers were way out ahead of this trend.

    Ok, if you insist. =D

    I’m just waiting for all the blatant sexism that everyone will ignore and call me a “feminazi” when I point it out...it’s an election year tradition.

    Why did the faculty even know what she was going to be wearing ahead of time any way? I don’t recall my teachers ever being THAT involved in my private life.

    That first church review sounds like it was written by one of those atheists who really, REALLY wants to make sure everyone they interact with knows that they’re an atheist. The ones that manage to stay that way after high school are THE WORST.

    But..but....wut abut his fweedom of speeeeeeeeeeeech!!!!?!?!

    I think most women cut their hair when they get older because hormonal changes cause it to get courser and lose it's sheen. Some women's hair also starts thinning after they go through menopause so they cut it short and curl it to hide that (the standard "little old lady" due.)

    So...who eventually IS going to eat this? I’ve always wondered what they actually did with publicity stunt things like this that are made out of food. The thought of that much chocolate eventually just getting thrown away hurts me deep down inside. =(

    Damn! I was really rooting for Aasif Mandvi, he's been on the show longer and he's got great stage presence.

    I was going to post this if someone else hadn't.

    In the time since I started puberty I've tried pretty much everything.

    No, being Mitt Romney lost him votes.

    I can't shave above the knee without breaking out in red blotches from razor irritation. =(