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    Ah, yes, I believe that phenomena is known as "wanting to have your cake and eat it too."

    I'm curious as to when exactly this shift happened, I mean, I assume it was a gradual thing but it seems like the shift happened within the course of just a few years. I was on a dating site for a while and eventually got scared off by the surprising number of guys who (upon seeing that I made a point of saying I

    No but, ya see, it's ok for people to do something as long as they've done it historically... as thing having been done in the past makes it automatically ok.

    Soooo.....men abusing women is the fault of feminism for overturning "sexual mores" that have historically kept men from abusing women...but also men abusing women is not a big deal because men have historically abused women...?

    I've learned that I basically can't use soap on my face during the winter (I break out in itchy red blotches if I do) so I took up oil cleansing which has lead my down the rabbit hole of facial massage. Apparently if you rub olive oil on your face in just the right way, you'll live forever.

    The appeal to them is supposed to be that they don't cause as much breakage as regular hair ties, I don't know if that's actually true though.

    The difference is that DC makes most decisions based on how outside parties (you know, the people who buy their products) react, that is how they make their money.

    So you think that despite the creative team of the book having requested the cover be changed, DC should have been FORCED to print it because...freedom of speech? The cover was also not pulled because "the population cried out for censorship of art" it was pulled because some people said it bothered them and other

    Sorry but no matter what you do people are going to make inferences about you based on the choices you make, you picked your clothes so they say something about you even if that something is just "I don't give a shit about clothes."

    Sorry guys but I just can't bring myself to believe that anyone has ever actually had their feelings hurt by being called too thin. I just can't get my brain around it...it's like being bothered by someone saying your teeth are too white or your hair is too shiny...I just don't' get it.

    I don't know, if all she's looking to do is increase her own sense of empathy than I think this is fine. The skin darkening thing seems a little much but isn't it basically the same thing the guy who wrote Black Like Me did? Besides I think a lot of people (especially ones who think racism doesn't exist any more)

    I bought Clinique almost lipstick in black honey because I heard thats what Lady Arwen wore in the LOTR movies...I regret nothing.

    I like this shirt.

    I think they've finally just given up and fully embraced that the majority of the fan base are stoners.

    Even if his does wind up working, where are we going to get a bunch of perfectly healthy young bodies to transplant heads on to? Usually if there's not something wrong with a body that makes it unuseable (terminal illness or injury ) the former occupant is still using it.

    Who are these people who think that it's socially acceptable to touch a complete stranger's hair? Maybe it's just me being my weird, neurotic, anxious self but touching anyone with whom you don't have a personal relationship seems insane to me.

    I'd be willing to believe that men are more likely to mistake sexual attraction for love and therefore REPORT having fallen in love more than women do.

    That is some hard core enlightenment.

    Honestly, these don't look all that bad. At least not in any way that couldn't be attributed to bad harsh lighting and WAY too much makeup. No one looks good caked in foundation with a spotlight shining directly on their face.