
No one cares if some Twitter nobody goofed on a fat chick at HuffPuff years ago. If her ideas were so great, she wouldn’t do most of her writing for free on social media, and people wouldn’t think it was so important if they thought she was “nice” or whatever. That’s teenybopper shit.

Something I don’t really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the ‘slut walk,’ which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but, then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it,” Terminx wrote in a discussion with other members of the

Agree. It suggests he will show even less forgiveness in the future.

Shamela is correct. [Fortunately.]

This may surprise you for some reason, but Toni Morrison was making stuff up for fictional impact.

Both June and Emily cheated on their spouses, and the show seems to think this is fine. I don’t understand this.

So what, people are not always predictable.” Fiction is supposed to be a heightened reality. While people may be unpredictable, a surprising action in fiction must reveal a truth about the character, not contradict one that was shown before. Characters’ actions must flow inexorably from their established traits, even

And they thought his crude, silly praying videos were “a stroke of genius”? What a goofy show this has become. 

You have to ignore the fact that the handmaids with their lips sewn shut not only couldn’t participate in the ceremony as it has been shown, but couldn’t eat or drink either. BECAUSE IT’S JUST SO POWERFUL AND EXACTLY LIKE TRUMP’S AMERICA AMIRITE OMG #RESIST

“when you realise exactly where the world is right now”

You mean with fewer people currently going to church or reporting any religious affiliation than ever before? So there’s absolutely no reason to take that idea as a given?

“June’s glowering alone is so transparent as to be almost comic.”

This was a problem with Moss’s performance on Mad Men as well. No employee would believably stare at her boss while her face was cartoonishly twisted with hatred the way Peggy did at Don, or Joan, or others.

You assumed someone from Gilead would request a meeting and then assassinate an attendee and endanger a child in a world where almost no children are born? That’s silly. If they wanted war with Canada, they’d be at war with Canada.

You lose all credibility when you suggest women’s belief in their physical attractiveness is so central to their universe that no rational dialogue can continue after it’s been questioned. Not all women are beautiful, and your hysterical response suggests you’re a real woofer, like the overweight, bugeyed, palsied

“couldn’t he get, like, literally any other job to pay his bills?”

He’s not out to merely pay his bills. He is out to gather capital and contacts and references so he can start his own PI firm, a goal to which, in his mind, he has precisely one route: Hogarth. And this was said on screen a number of times. You may also

What do we think the connection between Beth and Nick is/was?”

I guess you forgot that this was previously established in scene? Well, why expect a pro TV critic to have paid attention to the show, right?

Marthas aren’t black in the book. The Children of Ham have been resettled, so they can’t be. [Do people actually *read* this book, or only make pronouncements about it online?]

“Not so the weirdly public welcome and sustained applause at the hospital, which Alexis Bledel rightly plays as totally bewildering.”

You...do understand babies have become a rare event in the world? That this is the primary motivator of all the fictional developments in the series? She got a baby out of a hostile

I can’t believe someone’s trying to write about this as if it were a serious show.

Hey! I trade sex for money for a living! How dare people, while I’m trying to make a living, expect me to trade money for sex! I so hold the moral high ground here! Don’t grab my breasts at a party, just offer me a pittance to have strangers shoot loads on my face, because that’s professional and respectful!

Typical AV Club work. They’re paid a pittance, and only here for that.