Lesson: don’t hire furries, don’t normalize furries, don’t allow furries in society. Isolate and kill.
Lesson: don’t hire furries, don’t normalize furries, don’t allow furries in society. Isolate and kill.
The netcode is fine. The players were just far apart and/or one has an unstable connection. Blaming “netcode” in a peer-to-peer game like this is a go-to thing for people who mostly don’t know what they are talking about.
Trump never said anything about drinking bleach, and you’re just mad because you know he’s going to win again
Shitting on Mormonism. That’s what it is. They are salivating at the opportunity to do that.
“There’s a weird sexless porn vibe to the structure, as characters group together in increasingly random combinations, sometimes seemingly entirely due to the fact that it hasn’t happened before.”
“Characters’ expressions vacillate between flatness and over exaggeration”
Comics got woke and are going broke. Distribution complaints have been around forever, but demand wasn’t missing before. It is now.
“So it comes down to those two words: “Kill Saul.” (I really wish he’d said “Better kill Saul,” don’t you?)“
How exactly would the supercomputer influence the little girl to commit suicide as a teen? Are we meant to think the super AI is, like, fudging her school test scores or sending fake text messages from her boyfriends that she’s ugly?
Who am I supposed to be rooting for on this show, again? Dolores isn’t even a person, exists in multiples, cares not for her own life [why would some Doloreses accept another one as the “boss” again?], kills lots of people, acts mostly emotionless and has super powers for poorly defined reasons so never seems in true…
You spent all those words saying “capitalism ruined my video game for children?”
The crash IS the simulation. This is what happened to the actual NBA.
Your “reviews” are just recaps.
In other words, this show knows so little about how rich people work that it thinks they keep their money in bank accounts from which it can be readily transferred, or that world leaders keep most assets in Bitcoin, or something equally childish and comic-booky. Guys like Ministers of Finance in commie regimes, or…
In other words, this show knows so little about how rich people work that it thinks they keep their money in bank accounts from which it can be readily transferred, or that world leaders keep most assets in Bitcoin, or something equally childish and comic-booky. Guys like Ministers of Finance in commie regimes, or…
By far the worst, and absolutely the most disposable, episode of the series.
So did most people, silly.
He does have a moral center. You’re ignoring his treatment of other characters like the child and the Ugnaught.
“We’d intentionally created a world that was visually and tonally connected to the earlier films, to not stray too far from what people loved and expected”
Yes. That is what you deserve criticism for. You cashed in rather than make meaningful films. I’d rather see you try something interesting and fail than try to play…
I agree he should not “kind of” threaten journalists. The most important thing America needs to hear right now is clear, unambiguous statements that pseudo-journalists like Seth Simons or William Hughes should be attacked with bricks until dead. No quotes around it, no snark: those people can and should be subject to…