
Lesson: don’t hire furries, don’t normalize furries, don’t allow furries in society. Isolate and kill.

“It’s rude to make cheap jokes about a woman’s appearance. Also, David Spade is short and ugly.”

Zack is a terrible reviewer who does this with all of his assigned shows. Even for bad shows/ episodes, his critique is just pretentious rather than constructive or revealing.

“In our hyper-connected capitalist world, especially right now, productivity in general—not just in Animal Crossing—can be performative. We equate productivity with worth and meaning because it’s what we’ve been primed to do.”

There’s also the fact that they redistributed it in E-coin, which was developed by E Corp. The same E Corp that was that center of all of Deus Group’s nefarious activities. The same Deus Group they just doxxed telling the world about all their doings. You really think people are going to use a currency from a company

His work on The Pacific is my favorite of his outside of this.

The pivot from “this movie looks interesting!” to “this movie will get people murdered by toxic incels and should not be seen” by a bunch of people who hadn’t seen the movie was just easily the most abrupt pre-lash that I can think of.

This particular story about the Joker is a neat reminder about how many people really wanted to hate the Joker and were really disappointed not everyone felt the same way.

So it’s only me that hated the reveal that his dad was sexually abusing him? Felt like a cliché.

Who ever said that the titular character here was supposed to be a hero? He’s not described that way in any of the official descriptions of the character. The Mandalorian is the protagonist here for sure, but trying to describe him as a hero and then judging him as a failure to heroic ideals is unfair when there is

The takes I’ve seen in this comment thread so far are, in my opinion, pretty seriously misguided. The casual murder fits in with the Mandalorian’s character as a bounty hunter: ruthless, violent in his problem-solving. It suggests a bit more of galaxy-wide racism (seeing Jawas as disposable pests moreso than living

The new Skywalker Saga movies just don’t imbue the same tone, feel, and atmosphere in my opinion.

“Jordan Peterson-MAGA wormhole”

“June’s glowering alone is so transparent as to be almost comic.”

This was a problem with Moss’s performance on Mad Men as well. No employee would believably stare at her boss while her face was cartoonishly twisted with hatred the way Peggy did at Don, or Joan, or others.

I dunno, that’s the kind of on-the-nose symbolism that’s clever in a novel for 6th graders. 

Oh, for the love of God and everything he opens, this has become the most expensive, most over-produced piece of nonsense ever adapted from a great novel.

No, mouth padlocks were never a thing - much like chastity belts, which turn up in cheesy torture museums but were never actually used.

This image at the top of the article basically sums up what this show is: Moss, centered in frame, staring at the camera. Wouldn’t be surprised if the audio track is Head Like A Hole or some other way too on-point song with her internal monologue gushing platitudes about how they’ll all pay like some kind of sociopath,

This has become an even more depressing series since the writers decided to continue their own version long beyond the book’s end, which should have marked the end of it.

Fight me Revenge of the Sith fans but Menace is the best prequel by far(its also better than Eps VII and VII), and Darth Maul is a big part of that.