
If this oneisn’t an F, it’s getting hard to imagine any episode of this show you WOULD give an F. These social media jokes wouldn’t have been clever or funny in 2013 when the first season came out.

Jim Jarmusch has always sucked, and Only Lovers Left Alive was the most disappointing film of the 2010s.

“what is easily one of the most culturally significant shows of the era”

Yeah...no. After the penultimate episode, left-wing devotion to demographics over all mandates despising the show. Here’s the world you wanted; enjoy it.

Sansa’s disrespect to her uncle was in no way queenly. His words were more appropriate to the

“period full stop”

A full stop IS a period, dummy.

If the writers are actually arguing this, they’re ignoring the nuance of the story they’re telling, which has been a consistent problem with those segments.”

The nuance is not present. You are desperately imagining it in order to avoid admitting to yourself that you have wasted your life writing about a bad show.

Yes, but...writers are supposed to.

ROFL, look at McLevy shucking and jiving to try to save this train wreck of a show. Let me help you begin the healing process: YOU WRITE ABOUT A BAD SHOW FOR A LIVING, AND YOU’VE WASTED YOUR LIFE.

She engages in genocide because her nephew won’t have sex with her. YOU WRITE ABOUT A BAD SHOW FOR A LIVING. YOU HAVE WASTED YOUR LIFE. ROFLMAO

AV Club writing about a subject they clearly know nothing about?! Get outta here.

“denoting a troubling trend at the network”

You mean a troubing trend among viewers. If viewers weren’t abandoning the shows left and right, the network would have no motive to cancel them. Or do you mean to suggest they should be kept on as charity based on skin color?

Why does everyone act shocked each time someone has the bright idea of sticking the dragons with something? Did they expect everyone to just gape and get burned? This civilization had dragons in it for thousands of years; wouldn’t anti-dragon tactics and equipment have been a rather well-established part of Westerosi

“Their antipathy no longer scans as simply the result of a preponderance of men in the Throneswriters room, thankfully”

...Is this really how you watch fiction? You sit and calculate whether you accept the content of a scene based on your feelings about the demographics of the writers?

I wouldn’t find it very difficult to give 100% in a sex scene with Carice van Houten. Perhaps 110% would be in the offing.

“One woman, who left Riot in 2016, said, “It seemed like he assumed she would respond, ‘Oh, I didn’t say anything,’ and then he could blame her for that.” When I read that e-mail to one current Rioter, he interpreted it as such”

Listen to this. Mind-reading and a bunch of hearsay about people who heard someone else

They spent weeks filming these and months editing. Of COURSE when a mistake like that makes it to air despite all that time and all those eyeballs, it is fair to say they are half-assing it. It’s not credible to imagine otherwise.

“we join Arya in a sequence right out of The Last Of Us”

Given its box-office results, you may have also seen a certain film this weekend, and without spoilers I’ll say that I left Avengers: Endgame feeling like seeing the movie again”

...do you like any grown-up stuff, maybe?

It sometimes seems as if a whole cottage

So Bran’s super power played out in this battle as him sitting and looking smug while everyone died for him? And the highlight of this expensive “spectacle” was that the otherwise-invincible villain died from a single stab by a character who emerged from nowhere through the power of editing? And this is treated as an

Yes...which was the killer’s directly stated intention...to falsely associate himself with right-wing figures so as to engage in “accelerationism.” Saying “subscribe to PewDiePie” was another example of this. The people who are playing into his hands are the ones who didn’t read the manifesto, which, like the

None. The idea that one is to be held responsible for the actions of one’s online viewers is inherently ridiculous, an artifact of those using a global communications network who would never have been intelligent enough to invent it or get on it by themselves. People are responsible for *their own actions.*

“You have to keep it filled with gas (requiring you to find a gas can and refill the tank by holding a button and watching an animation) and keep the engine running when you hit a tree or an enemy (requiring you to have generic “scrap” on hand and fix the bike by… holding a button and watching an animation). Also, if