
Yeah, Judith won’t be in her teens for at least a year and a half of in-show time! ;)

He was strong. A good balance of sadness and awareness of the old social graces, but without pushing it too far into genial “I’m the nice member of the group” territory. There was something elegaic about his description of how the old world would have seen his group, even though it was ostensibly being presented as

What you say is true in that Morgan literally became defined by this vacillation, to the point that he comments directly upon him doing this himself, and goes around repeating a motto that illustrates precisely how he will vacillate this way in response to circumstances. A bizarre writing decision on its own—and an

It was somewhat arbitrary; that’s what the somewhat-interrupted story line about subsequently trying to develop a uniform code of justice among the communities was about. Apparently, whatever was decided, it eventually permitted granting of some limited freedoms to Negan (the window access is a bit of a change), but

“Whimsy” Well, in reality, some horses could be trained such that they would literally ride into gunfire if directed to do so, and others could not. I’m sure the community uses different kinds of horses for different things. Not all of them (draft horses for pulling stuff, for example) would have encountered a walker

Well, no. We learned the herd had made an unrealistic U-turn, and then the voices show us there are intelligences within that didn’t want to let Eugene and Rosita get away, explaining why the herd moved like this. If they had climbed up and waited, the herd would have surrounded the tower and they’d have died by

The casting was on point. But it is hard to accept the kid being so naive about the post-apocalyptic world in some ways. They attempted to compensate for this by establishing how little his parents have let him out of the Kingdom. We’ll see if the show makes that convincing in the longer term.

Ezekiel being a stern

It’s better than that, and not hilarious in the comics.

Jed’s Savior gang sleeping in the open air with no posted guards or even strings with tin cans on them was pushing it. But the more reasonable precautions it showed them taking, the more we would have had to accept supercommando Angel of Death Carol just effortlessly Batman-ing her way around them. So we were kind of

Not a bad episode at all. Dan Fogler gave an excellent performance as Luke. I was going to say “guest performance,” but I’m figuring these characters will be hanging around to some extent (good news, because Magna is quite a looker).

If they really began to believe that, they’d stop making massive investments in such properties (and in many other things) and concentrating themselves in waterfront communities. Remember, Al Gore wrote in 2006: “We only have ten years left to save the planet.” They’re all pretty much still where they were, still

They must have spent a pretty penny to bring in some of these high-tier actors to perform this absolute tripe. Being a fly on the wall in their trailers as they howled through each new script would have been vastly more entertaining than the finished episodes themselves.

No, we don’t know. There was a symbol on the chopper, though, if anyone wants to theorize...?

Yeah, the song was totally out of left field. I have no idea what they were going for there.

I really wondered why she was so sure she was a match for him in close quarters and darkness. A crowbar is not exactly a magic bullet for that situation.

Dying alone in an unlit prison cell does not actually sound great to you. But Negan and his imprisonment, and where it led, was SO much better in the comics. And the comics aren’t that good. But compared to this...

WILD guess: Rick will not have access to the helicopter because every one of the TV movies will start with him in some kind of prison, then we’ll learn he’s held by a new faction, then we’ll learn the faction has a leader that AMC thinks is “charismatic” but the audience finds eye-rollingly annoying, and then Rick

He’s guessing and got it wrong.

The revolver is chambered for .357 Magnum, which means it can shoot .38 Special. Perhaps Judith was doing so.

Yes, it was the original actor for Hershel.