
They are “trolls” for literally just linking to Gunn’s own Tweets? In what way, shape, or form is that “trolling?” Words have meanings, you know; you can’t just redefine them that way. 

Kavanaugh received almost unanimous approval from Republicans and Democrats while being confirmed for his current position, but his even being nominated to the Supreme Court is somehow this incredibly dramatic marker of the need for RESISTANCE. Seriously, how can people be so full of shit?

You think the secret sympathizer and good guy would be made deliberately reminiscent of Dr. Peterson? Interesting theory. But I don’t see any physical resemblance, myself.

“We can root for and fear for these women simultaneously, because that version of The Handmaid’s Tale knows how dangerous it is to be a woman and alive at the same time.”

Note: it’s significantly more dangerous to be a man. Men perform the more dangerous jobs in much greater numbers, and are victims of violence at

Gilead has the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of civilian hostages, perhaps more, who would be under the gun. I doubt the Canadian Army or anyone else would attack directly while that condition obtains.

“If you’re now a Sydney Sweeney fan”

I was going to say something very similar. “Gilead is rough” is really not enough for a show like this to be saying week after week. This is the consequence of launching with the book material, but not delivering on the complexities in the book.

Streaming shows don’t usually report their ratings; not sure if we’d know if the audience was plummeting week to week, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

“Oh, was that tedious? Try being in labor for 12 hours.”

No. TV is supposed to be a heightened reality, more entertaining than life. Telling me to go do something grueling so I find a slow episode of TV more entertaining by comparison is an abusive idea.

You “gasped with joy” at hearing Oprah Winfrey’s voice? This must be sarcasm.

Your criticism makes no sense unless you’re assuming the shells were birdshot, but then why assume that?

“a system that is allegedly supposed to run on the idea of one person = one vote”

That is not true. The system was never supposed to be only that. That leads to tyranny of the majority, and the Founders very carefully designed systems to prevent that. The system is working as intended. If a representative republic is

“But why wouldn’t he just have Nick taken away or executed, as I’m sure he would have the authority?” Is that not what we just saw happen?

Nick’s total lack of interest in Eden is indeed notable for its weirdness. They cast a bit of a looker in Sydney Sweeney for that to be entirely plausible, although she does a very good job seeming underage-y on the show. But when Nick declined to even comfort Eden, whose tears were genuinely affecting to see and

I’m supposed to believe Fred and his wife had the wherewithal to be a major part of taking over the USA, but that they are creatures of vindictive impulse at home. Serena and Offred sniping at one another is middle-school-level behavior. Seems more like the writers are bending over backwards to change this into That

So what, someone carried all those host corpses to the water where they are found later? Or if they are fixed so easily, why milk a dramatic scene out of one shooting itself?

There’s really nothing interesting or dramatic about watching

“She adds that she “let him sexually assault me. Regularly. I was expected to be ready for him when he came home from work.”

By just deciding “this is a show about getting raped” they rendered this series so lacking in subtlety and took away so many ways it could have developed. In the book, Offred explicitly points out the Handmaid ritual is not rape, and of course in the show you could have ended up thinking about some genuinely

“Janine was raped by Mr. Putnam, and Mrs. Putnam was a literal “hold her down” accomplice to it.”

Janine was in a relationship with the guy and didn’t need to be held down. She thought he loved her and they were going to run away and be together.