
^ The divorce leading to it would have been on record, and was retroactively nullified by the new government in the book. Though it is not realistic that they could catch all such “wonton women” that way, it is not so implausible the former wife would have testified against her at some point; however, I got the

They made the Commander into a phony who doesn’t believe in any of the actions he’s taken and doesn’t even know the Bible very well. I don’t think this is very similar to the version of him in the book, who seemed reasonably convinced that the society needed to become what it had, warts and all—but still sought

The family will be reunited in some form after the Cold War has ended. That thought gave me a little comfort during the ending of this series, one of the most searing depictions of the human cost of Communism to ever be created. Sometimes it was even hard to watch, but I will miss it anyway.

“Or if the show was just better structured narratively, so that so much of it didn’t just seem like people (or hosts) bopping about and running into each other over and over until it’s finally time for something to actually happen.”

The “bopping about” is to enable grotesque violence and uses of the word “fuck.” All

I suspected they’d run out of gas after adapting book material, even loosely, but wow—a mere half a season after she gets in the van, Handmaids are now unsupervised by Guardians and acting as suicide commandos. SUICIDE COMMANDOS! Perhaps, by the end of the season, the kick-ass Riot Grrl Handmaid Squad will master

“White supremacists suddenly think it’s OK to protest in public”

All Americans have the right to protest in public. Civil rights aren’t just for people you think are cool, you know.

I’m not sure this series isn’t just high-budget violence porn connected by a thin “mystery” thread (not really a mystery—just an excuse for violence, but explained *slowly*).

I really wish this could have been done without shitting on Talbot. He was made into a cartoonish mustache-twirler at ludicrous speed—or he was, at *best*, Hydra’s last victim. I rather wish Daisy’s speech had gotten through to him; I wondered if maybe she’d get through to him, but their previous super-powered shots

I am hoping it was just a clue that she was putting it aside for Fitz, and NOT some kind of suggestion that Deke and all the other stuff had never existed...or whatever.

Why did they show the empty room with just the one tool if not trying to imply he had faded away? I hate that idea and it makes little sense, but then what was that shot? If they find the frozen Fitz will Deke reappear?! I mean, come on.

Man, I miss Roy Rogers’s limited-time Nacho Cheese Chicken Sandwich with peppers and onions.

The Unwomen stuff doesn’t seem to have a lot of forward momentum. I figured if we stepped away from Offred and showed the larger world, we’d learn something about that world—such as what happened to the Colonies in the first place, for starters. But they are just out there sticking shovels into (radioactive?) dirt for

“the delightful news that Elsie is still alive”

“This is America was special because of its subtlety”

“It was the ‘70s! Drugs were still good, especially quaaludes,” she says. “If you did enough cocaine, you’d fuck a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.” So there you go.”

It is completely irrelevant whether or not anyone “acknowledges their privilege and intersectionality.” This is made-up pseudo-academic language you use to say that you want them to feel bad for caring about themselves more than they care a complaining stranger like yourself. No one is actually going to do that, and

Ten seasons is hard to imagine when they clearly had no real ideas what to do even to pay off the cliffhanger ending of the novel’s main section; after that launchpad, we spent three episodes of her in empty buildings, and now she’s back at the Commander’s house. It’s all been something of a narrative dead end.

Good catch :)

Yeah. Being a closet Commie ruins it for her...now if she’d been an *open* Commie at a university, she’d have been Ms. Popularity (yes, even during the Reagan years).

Whoa...I’d almost forgotten about him. Did we get any kind of meaningful conclusion to that, or was it clearly forthcoming?