
The Unwomen stuff doesn’t seem to have a lot of forward momentum. I figured if we stepped away from Offred and showed the larger world, we’d learn something about that world—such as what happened to the Colonies in the first place, for starters. But they are just out there sticking shovels into (radioactive?) dirt for

“the delightful news that Elsie is still alive”

“This is America was special because of its subtlety”

“It was the ‘70s! Drugs were still good, especially quaaludes,” she says. “If you did enough cocaine, you’d fuck a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.” So there you go.”

It is completely irrelevant whether or not anyone “acknowledges their privilege and intersectionality.” This is made-up pseudo-academic language you use to say that you want them to feel bad for caring about themselves more than they care a complaining stranger like yourself. No one is actually going to do that, and

Ten seasons is hard to imagine when they clearly had no real ideas what to do even to pay off the cliffhanger ending of the novel’s main section; after that launchpad, we spent three episodes of her in empty buildings, and now she’s back at the Commander’s house. It’s all been something of a narrative dead end.

Good catch :)

Yeah. Being a closet Commie ruins it for her...now if she’d been an *open* Commie at a university, she’d have been Ms. Popularity (yes, even during the Reagan years).

Whoa...I’d almost forgotten about him. Did we get any kind of meaningful conclusion to that, or was it clearly forthcoming?

Worst actor I’ve ever seen on an expensive TV series, rivaled only by the British writer guy on this same series. Hard to summon up any desire for him to stick around.

Are you sure they want to do that kind of damage to the hosts? Perhaps a .50 BMG round could crack those central units inside the heads, whereas little 5.7 or intermediate rounds can’t, and this is a cost issue.

It’s a huge stretch, but so is a lot of the rest of the show, and will get more like that over time. If Ford could pull off computer stuff on the level of manipulating the human-like behavior of thousands of hosts and blocking corporate espionage and all this other stuff, maybe we can accept he removed all images of

Comments like yours are hard to refute, but disappear amidst the torrent of “OMG MAEVE YASSSSSS QUEEN GET SOME” etc. The hosts are being just as terrible as the humans, if not *significantly* more so since the humans can’t simply be fixed, and it is not at all clear how real their apparent free will or

Of course, there’s nothing more realistic about the idea that they’d be able to afford “a real goddamn army” when they are an entertainment company. (Disney certainly couldn’t field one.) Nor do they want to damage the hosts too badly, as it will cost them dearly to fix them up if they are too heavily mutilated. Thus,

Or the samurai just crossed the border on his own like he’s not supposed to be able to, as with the tiger.

“It’s the perfect colonialist fantasy, really: a land that was literally designed to be exploited.”

Except that nothing they do there is permanent, and they pay exorbitantly for the privilege of visiting, and they can’t take anything out with them. So nothing about your claim holds water at all.

In an episode where

Mary Karr made her career by lying and exaggerating about her own life. How can she expect any other reception than “no one cared?”

Earn is shown not caring about injury and death of others as early as the second episode of the series, where they are laughing off what happened at the end of the first.

“Perhaps it’s because Atlanta has acclimated its audience to ten-episode seasons”

The delegation from Mexico appeared to think Handmaids were a small, specially picked (or, they misapprehended, volunteered) subset; the criteria may be some combination of fertility plus failure to fit into the rest of society in some other capacity. Econowives are the hoi polloi; in the book, they wear multicolored