
Narrative dead end, so kind of a yawn. June’s memories of her mother were extremely banal, and the mother being captured in that photo a rather extraordinary coincidence just to dovetail with the other memories she happened to be having. The music at the beginning came off a little silly. The military maneuvers

Am I the only one who thinks Ben Barnes (Logan) is a really weak actor? I see him crop up on these high-profile TV shows and I keep asking myself why. I’m actually equally baffled as to why Tessa Thompson is suddenly in everything.

As for the episode—these scenes from the past feel like elaborating things that we, in

I was all ready to sneer at the show for appearing to want us to celebrate Keane’s restoration to the office of President. After all, she’d lied to Our Heroine, locked up people for reasons at best unproven and at worst unprovable, spoke of the Vice President like he was garbage despite his having ultimately done the

I think they only wanted us to feel what was shown: Keane had become part of the problem, but was able to make a step toward change. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that, and the difficult history you mention in fact lends weight to this rather than subverting it. I certainly didn’t feel it was smug;

Virgil was a cool character, and the actor was good. I am told he got some steady work on other shows, and the schedules conflicted with Homeland.

[I think “the ironing is delicious” is a deliberate reference to a Bart Simpson line.]

How could you be a long-term GRU operative and not expect to bite it in a bad situation? Failing that, if she convinced herself her boyfriend was deeply in love with her and would go to great lengths to take care of her (which, to be fair, he HAD, just during this season), how could Carrie talk her out of that belief

The “heart of things” in a show about defending the American homeland is...in Israel. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK HUH

If you don’t like soitgoes’s posts, then why do you bother reading or responding to them? 🙄🙄🙄

BTW, Homeland doesn’t accept spec scripts (good luck finding any shows that do these days—legal clearance issues).

“two of them are BlackBerry phones. BlackBerry. Like, when is the last time you have seen a BlackBerry?”

By “complicit” you mean she didn’t immediately stand up and strike out, which would have gotten her sent to the Colonies or worse? Which is what happened to her anyway? I just don’t see how she had much more of a choice than any of the rest of them.

“Well, that and the unlikeliness of Emily offering solace to anyone who was party to the creation of Gilead.”

Are you joking? Like what connections to reality exactly do you see here?

That’s because there’s really no political reality to make a link to. Trying to sell viewers on the idea that women are doing worse and worse and are on the edge of some misogynist dystopia would come off ridiculous, and might even ruin the fun. Sorry to say it, but it’s better business than that for them to make it a

Yes. You’re right. I have begun to worry that by Season 5 (because they’ll undoubtedly stretch this thing out past the breaking point) the show will be June cartwheeling out of concealment in slow motion  with a machine pistol in each hand, gunning down the forces of those EVIL MEN as she leads a strike team and frees

I foresaw a mock execution and have always wondered if this tactic is actually effective, so it was interesting to see it explored dramatically. However, the song was overkill. The remarkable setting would have carried the weight.

  • “The only scene that didn’t really work for me was the scene with the Waterfords at the medical center. Felt like a means to get June to her getaway meat truck and nothing else.”

I’m just gonna say it: Paige actually IS that hot. That guy must have been pretty drunk indeed.

I’m sure he stays in shape. Running and such.

It’s not really the “invisibility” issue. It’s that Elizabeth thinks Paige was seducing a guy in the course of trying to undertake missions on her own time, or is enjoying playing at being a seductress. She warned Paige away from such behavior right in this very episode, and previously, so the scenes line up and I’m