
I got really excited about the Brangelina wedding. I scared myself.

Excuse me if I found it hard to finish the article after the author implied that the Decemberists are a great band.

Agreed. I'm not a fan of Kate Moss, but one picture makes me "feel" "something," and the other one doesn't.

One time my mum was talking to me about some soup, and she went, "and then you blend it with the stick blender." "What if I don't have one?" I asked. "That's impossible. You just need to get one." It's legitimately some of the soundest life advice I've ever received from her.

Exactly. And they're cheaper than jar blenders. IMMERSION BLENDER OR DEATH!

That's the stuff I buy. You're right: way deliciouser AND spicier.

I LOVE that stuff. I make "faux Pho" at home, and prefer that to Sriracha, hands down.

I don't remember how she made it. I remember chuck being trimmed of fat and being put in a pressure cooker with water and salt and whole peppercorns and sliced, rehydrated shiitake mushrooms. Also, lots of celery and carrotes but no Nonions. I don't think that she put star anuses in the broth. I remember that the

Yeah, I've had the squid brand before and I never really liked it. Phu Quoc just smells like every Vietnamese restaurant and that makes it my favorite. But I know the crab based one is really good in papaya salad.

The chili sauce is infinitely better! And it makes a much better base for nuoc cham!

I got that stuff and loved it, then knew people were going nuts of sriracha so I got a bottle of it too. It is definitely not as good!

it probably wouldn't. As one commented below, the food really wasn't very good. while Dufresne was certainly a ground breaker in his food lab, at the end of the day, the flavors were not well thought out.

Right?? It's not like BECAUSE they made their own lemonade we were getting a rebate from Coke or something. I was just like, you assholes, you actually cost us more money between the lemons and all the fucking Sweet & Low.

is it dumb that i cried? i know that the kid intended personal space probably as like, how the teacher said the kids needed to give eachother space

I am going to give Shakira the benefit of the doubt and say that its probably because of English being her second language that she used that particular phrasing. Otherwise it is just to creepy for words


This is a celebrity death that has actually made me shed a tear. My love for Shirley as a child was second to none. She was my idol, my hero. I used her autobiography for more school projects than I probably should have been allowed. She was my inspiration and I will always hold her dear to my heart. "Little Miss

I'd like for any kids to learn a language other than English, but the only language I can support actively at home is Japanese.

Oh my bad. I'm not fully versed on the rules for stupid things.

My 11 year old son is THE BIGGEST football fan in the world. The ENTIRE world. He knows every stat for every team, every player. Everything. He became eligible to play tackle football last year and I made up every excuse in the book as to why he couldn't play. Much to his disappointment, he went back for that one,