
Ok Jezebel. Can we stop with the adoption jokes, please? Brad and Angelina adopted three children. Angie also gave birth to three children — so why isn't your headline Tired of HAVING children? I'll tell you why. Because you're perpetuating the idea that adoption is a joke, a hobby, or an issue like hoarding. I don't

As an artist and soon-to-be art therapist, there is NOTHING in me that wants to criticize these paintings. I want to read into each one or the obsessiveness of the subjects (I mean, 50? Really 50 dogs?). I want to take "Bush on the Couch" and write another chapter for it.

If you haven't seen the move The Company, I recommend it.

Bunheads. Why.

No cracking at all. I've had mine for about a year, use it at least (I am not kidding here) every fourth day, and the only issue I've had I've caused by scrubbing too vigorously or using metal utensils - no cracks, just wear, so it's not all bright white inside anymore. Basically, maybe if I'd gone more expensive I'd