
I am positive it will be flawless. Enjoy! I finally saw Natalia Osipova dance Kitri two weekends ago - am still in the clouds. Ballet is so bad ass!

I’ve seen her too, and honestly, the reviews have it right. She’s not as expressive as the premier soloists at other companies. The UA campaign was a brilliant PR move on either her part or the ABT as it made ballet relevant for a while. But as a dancer, she’s good but not one of the greats.

LOL, my wife said the same thing— She's Canto.

There should be testing and licensing involved before parents are allowed to use 'y'.

Apparently nothing is sexist if it has ever happened to a man! Ever been catcalled? Sorry, not a sexist thing cuz one time a man got whistled at. Paid less than your male colleagues? Nope, no sexism here, remember that one time a man got paid less than a woman he was working with? Discouraged from entering STEM fields

This is why I never do diet challenges with my partner, only fitness challenges. Like last August we started a 30 day regimen to double the amount of push-ups we could each do within a minute. At the end of the month it came time to test our results: he proudly dropped down and banged out 60 push-ups in a minute,

I have thought long and hard about this piece. The author's story is powerful. I agree fully with everything the author says about the terrible damage we do to children by enforcing the gender binary, I agree with everything they say about how the kind of conventional masculinity that our society demands of men is

This is the stupidest fucking response I've ever heard. Whatever work he's doing as a parent before the child is born, he is simply not doing the only work relevant to this childbirth conversation—the work involved in letting someone use your body as an incubator.

I thought he was simply describing the ways he's preparing for this role, no? One way is speaking to transgender women and learning about their experiences. Another way is wearing dresses and make-up (things I assume are new for him). I'm sure he's doing a ton of other research for what is sure to be a challenging

I've been seeing sweater dresses make a comeback (I just bought one a few weeks ago) along with leg warmers. But, I haven't seen anyone put the full 80's workout look together in a while.

Anti-aging ingredients that actually work: Retinol, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Vitamin C (the active ingredient), Green Tea extract, Sunscreen (obviously more of a preventative measure) and of course botox and fillers

I was in high school and I remember buying copies of the The Face; I thought Kate Moss was the coolest. She still is.

oh god, please no more of these Guess-What-This-Thing-That-Made-You-Smile-Should.....wait for it....MAKE YOU FROWN.

Attention bad tippers: Paris Hilton is now a better person than you are. BOOM.

I appreciate you recognizing that, but I do think that it is a widely held opinion among Wesleyan students. Middletown has problems, lots of them. There are parts of the city that it is completely understandable to not want to live in. However, I do find it disturbing that while inclusiveness and diversity are such

Middletown is not a place that you want to live? This is such a stereotypically douchey, Wesleyan Student thing to say that I almost didn't bother to comment. Of course there are probably lots of people on here who don't know how idiotic that comment is so I feel that it is necessary. You know what the worst part of

You can disband individual frats for poor behavior without doing away with them all, though. I hope it works out, truly. I just don't have much faith that it will.

yeah i always thought of wes as kinda like brown or stanford- an excellent school that was still kinda crunchy and artsy.


wouldn't it also be Poisson?