
“Racist” is the only word that actually bothers white people.

Don’t you know? Racists are a protected class now— calling them ‘racist’ means YOU’RE the real racist for pointing it out!

White -fuckin’-nationalist.

Go ahead. Sue me, bitch.

Definitely being a poser neo nazi if you’re going to be racist at least commit to being racist.

Who was her handy man?

I encourage all teens out there to have as much sex with as many partners as possible. Because, once you start working full time, your job will suck out your soul, and any sex drive you may have will go with it. And, even if yours stays intact, odds are your partner’s job will crush their sex drive.

One cannot cheat without a cooperating party. It’s one thing to want to cheat, but it’s certainly not something you can do alone. (Excepting prostitutes or gullible people)

Societally, nobody respects marriage anymore. Not the people in a marriage, and not the people outside it, either.

Here’s the issue: from a UTC standpoint you are correct. Williams gets to continue through the intersection even after green because she entered legally. The issue our society has is that in civil matters, lawyers can argue that Williams and the Nissan played a role in the accident. And because of our screwed up

Yeah, but she has a point. As compared to other minorities? Statistically, Asians are doing far better than everyone else, including white people Not to mention the ugly specter of Asian immigrants being pretty racist against African-Americans and Latinos in order to get in good with white people. It’s a little hard

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

My mother smoked pot through a lot of her pregnancy and I am autistic. Nothing above mentions autism but it was mentioned to her during my diagnosis that “maybe” her pregnancy habits contributed; I don’t really buy it, to be honest, but anyway. You probably didn’t cause the ADHD (the comorbidity with epilepsy you

The whole “are Jews white” think is substantially more complicated than people are making it out to be. First of all, many of us have strong ties to Holocaust victims who were most assuredly not considered “white”. My grandparents were survivivors.

Seriously? A black man not wanting to date someone from an oppressive class is a lot different than white men deciding that interracial marriage should be illegal, how fucking stupid are you?

No, he wasn’t.

Well, of course their paid less. Scott Caan is the son of someone famous and Alex O’Loughlin was on that vampire show that lasted a whole half season.

It’s fine, I’m sure she only dated him because he was black and appearing transgressive to middle America was her whole bread and butter.

Introspective, articulate young man cut down in his prime. ‘Pac’s life [and death] is the very definition of tragedy.

so to increase the graduation rate, they’ve decided to essentially make it harder to graduate

Madonna ain’t shit, and Pac knew that. She’s the Proto-Becky.