
But then who would we marry?

Nobody really collaborates in these open office plans. They only exist to shame you into staying off social networks and YouTube.

Doesn’t work if your colleagues have to be on the phone as part of their job. Headphones work to an extent - but for thinking work, there’s no substitute for quiet. Bosses who think open offices are a good idea, particularly for creative/thinking work are fools.

What are these people doing? I see pictures of Millenials doing stuff like this, and wonder why I’m not this happy.

Please forgive my rant.

Despite what popular culture tells you, most men aren’t just looking for a woman to bang, they’re looking for someone that they can connect and form a romantic relationship with

Gender imbalances. Risk of pregnancy. Also I would imagine “confidence” is a bit more clear on gay dating apps, since I imagine that you get to see all the people you are “competing” for and against (you see how your profile stacks up, as opposed to straight-tinder, where you wouldn’t). Catfishing is mostly just scam

I’ve never understood nor experienced the I want all the intimacy and closeness of a loving relationship but not the commitment. Seems to me like if you can’t commit you can’t really have it all. No judgement here, just my 2 cents.

The wife and I pretty much agree, when they are old enough to start questioning the differences (gender anatomy) then its time to explain it and probably curtail the exposure a bit. Were not talking the what’s that questions of a 3 year old but the “why is yours that way and mine is not”.

Yeah, don’t use Reddit. Place is designed to force people to circlejerk, and if you don’t you get censored by the community, harassed, attacked by mods, and even banned. So the community is complete garbage as one would expect from a community that is run by circlejerk points, and most users are bigots. The mods are

Let that dog roll around in whatever foulness it can find and snuggle that dog in your lap as much as you like.

For the purposes of Security, any lock that can be opened remotely is a failure at the specific purpose of a lock.


Spa is our personal favorite. The kids give a variety of back rubs with different toys (cars, blocks,etc) scalp rubs, etc. They fight over who got to give mom and dad the longest massage. It’s a win/win.

I step out quickly to grab my towel, and then go back in the shower to dry myself. This prevents the mat from being soaking wet, but mostly I stay warmer if I dry myself off in the shower. The mat is so that I don’t slip, as others have said.

Calling these shitheads Nazis is an insult to actual Nazis. Actual Nazis overran France in a matter of weeks. These pencil-neck geeks run crying for their moms the minute their names get matched to their faces...

I’m going to shout-out Teen Vogue here, who have more nuanced discussions of this topic than the current president and at least one major news network.

Hooooooole up! A judge for real asked for her gynecological records to prove/disprove the odor?! That really happened?! No one has a problem with this?!!!!

Also, this.

👍🏻 👍🏻 His post feels like it’s entering fetish territory to me. :/