
Am I alone in thinking that a belief in nothingness after death is somehow more comforting than all the other alternative theories? I don’t actually believe in nothingness but sometimes I feel like life would be easier if I did. We all came from nothingness so if that’s where we return it wouldn’t be so bad.

Maybe what she really wants is an open relationship?

HR departments should start vetting feedback before it’s given to employees for just this reason. Managers should get feedback on their feedback to make sure their performance reviews are really just about performance.

My dog is 6 years old and I’ve only been sick once in the last 6 years. Maybe it’s a coincidence but I feel like he’s boosted my immune system.

Someone I love very dearly is trying to treat her breast cancer “naturally”. I can’t even say anything because it it were me I wouldn’t get treatment at all.

My mom didn’t let me water plants or take communion on my period

I wish small talk asking people what they do was considered rude here. I’m even more baffled when people think it’s ok to ask me what my spouse does.

Please tell me this was just some tongue-in-check way to throw shade at people who don’t believe in global warming.

I find this hard to believe. If I’m out and about in public I would notice very quickly if I put my purse somewhere and was walking away without it. A live human child I would notice even quicker.

A general decline in standards. Remember your prom and now see how people today dress for their proms. Even workplaces haven’t been immune to the decline in fashion standards.

Like Steve I’ve been ripping the inside out as well.

Something is wrong with the world when seeing civil discourse about race unfold online is so shocking it moved me to tears. This happened earlier today when reading comments in a Toronto Reddit post of all places.

What the fuck is happening in America? It’s not funny anymore. It’s not “oh ha ha look at the orange buffoon and his crazy yokel fan base” anymore. Shit just got real.

I’m loving her in claws right now.

Sounds like the making of the anti-Christ

Like one of the women in the story I also paid off almost $30,000 in student loans in just under two years. I was making only $35,000 a year at the time. My now husband then fiancé was paying most of the bills and almost my whole cheques went to paying down the debt. It was a tough couple years but it taught me a lot

I dunno I feel like this maybe can’t be healthy in the long run

I watched it expecting to hate it. I did not hate it.

I wonder why women even bother to lie about it and why hope for more. Has there ever been once in history where these situations developed into something serious?

My favorite airport is schiphol. Incheon is a close second.