
Wait. Is this a lark? Or is vaginal care really this intricate? I feel like this is a lark. Or maybe an infomercial. I haven’t decided yet.

Always, ALWAYS be sure you’re on the same page with the person you’re sleeping with. Have an explicit, up-front conversation BEFORE anything happens....”Hey, I’m not interested in dating, but you do seem like someone I’d enjoy hooking up with from time to time, but I’m not interested in getting involved. If you’re

Y’all remember when Bush 2.0 was sitting in there and we were having “respect the office” shoved down our throats every fucking day?

Well, besides “don’t lead someone on by moving things the way things get moved in real relationships when you’re just out to get fucked?”

“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”

We’re now in a situation where the heads of the US Armed Forces, traditionally some of the most stubborn socially conservative people on the planet, are more tolerant than the President.

If shorts are good enough to save someone’s life or lift heavy boxes, they are good enough to attend a powerpoint presentation meeting and say things like touch base, run it up the flag pole and circle back

Wish Olenna ended up on the Iron Throne just for how brilliant every bit of dialogue would be.

I think it would be more interesting if you left the pictures off or only the company behind the app would have a picture of you to confirm identity. I’m probably looking at this more as a social experiment, but I would love to see who people would initiate “a match” with if race, gender and appearances were omitted

Well, I suppose I’d die.

I hate men. I said it and I meant it.

Donut = shit

I had to stop reading halfway through. Why do we have to fucking dissect everything? Some people want to go have a crazy weekend, others want quiet and fun, others want nothing at all. Who cares? NOT EVERYTHING IS A MAJOR FEMINIST ISSUE.

Why would ANYONE tell another person to fuck off just because they said hello?

I don’t understand why you would say “fuck off” to someone just for saying “hi?” I mean, I could see Charlize not knowing who Tia is, but I’m sure she didn’t approach her in any crazy, let-me-bother-a-celebrity way to warrant that reaction. This makes me think Charlize might just be an asshole.

Many white women are really salty over Beyonce, it’s hilarious (and pathetic) to see.

I would LOVE to see a Storm movie. She’s one of my favourite superheros of all time (regardless of gender or race).

Hmm. So I used to drink at least 2 Mt. Dews a day, sometimes more. I weighed about 260 lbs. One day I woke up and realized this was a bad habit. I completely cut out Mt. Dew and switched to Diet Mt. Dew. It was a tough switch but I have not had a regular Mt. Dew since. I lost 20 lbs in about 3 months and that

Counterpoint: Nobody’s really there for the movie.