
I actually do this with my husband. He is like a child when it comes to sharing food.

If someone could look into the future and tell me with certainty that Diet Coke was going to take 20 years off of my life I would just keep on drinking. What good is living a long life if you can’t enjoy the things you love.

So I finally end up in a company that encourages working from home but it’s just my luck I end up with an old school manager who doesn’t buy into it. I know there are some days I would be way more productive if I didn’t have to come into the office to get work done.

Photoshop and spanx would have helped you as much as it did her.

I know I was both. What bothers me more now is all the times I was neither but just watched and said nothing when someone I know was being bullied.

I feel the same. Going away for Christmas this year and so is everyone else I would normally leave my dog with so now I’m in a bind. I would rather leave him with a professional border like the doggie hotel near our airport. Added bonus is they have cameras in the rooms so you can spy on your furry kids.

This explanation of GoT deserves an Emmy.

This is a problem I had and I had started tying mine in a way that is similar to how typical bra straps run but this method seems so much better. Thank you. Now if only it can warm up enough for swimming.

If a woman who can act better than her and one who can sing better than her are merely “mediocre”, then how does one begin to label Madonna’s “talent”?

It just occurred to me he looks like my condo board president and he’s just a weasely

Please can they just bring back Lilith fair. These lame imitations just won’t do.

Admittedly I use mine more for sauces and soy sauce when I get sushi than I do for eggs.

I’m my paternal grandmas favorite grandchild and she doesn’t even try to pretend like she doesn’t have a favorite. It’s quite funny.

That can’t be right. IKEA sells egg cups in Canada so surely they must in America too.


Seems like a natural progression for us chocoholics. I’d try this.

Unfortunately not when they’re vacationing in large groups.

From what I understand, the belief was/is, no matter how white a person looks, if they have one drop of African American blood they are black. It’s ridiculous of course but goes to show one can’t just rely on the appearance of whiteness to determine what race people would classify them as.

If that was the case there would never have been a one drop rule.

Well said