
I wish she’d bring it back.

You know who could learn a thing or two about queuing? Germans.

I don’t even live in ‘Murica but I’m scared for y’all.

I’ve been Keeping one umbrella at home and one at work for years. If it rains unexpectedly while I’m at work, I use my emergency umbrella and just bring it back to work the next morning.

Way overpriced. Why is it the minute something is marketed for weddings the price multiplies? No way this is worth $97.

When I was in university I got into the habit of soaking strawberries in any kind of liquor I had on hand and then putting them in vanilla pudding. I was probably drunk when I came up with the idea.

I generally hate rose but I love Beringer rose.

Shade or not that video from Vicente fox was priceless.

Dying from laughter reading this

My manager gets meddling and nitpicky sometimes. I realized that it stems from boredom and under-stimulation and I have learned to not take it personally. I just humour her now and it puts her at ease and makes my life easier.

They need to offer riders something when drivers cancel. This is one of the reasons I quit using Uber.

ISIS should send him a gift basket because this one asinine act just won them some more supporters. What a jackass.

I can’t stand Justin Bieber and even I think this is rich coming from Hanson.

How timely. I’m planning on grilling pineapple when my parents come over for Father’s Day. I was inspired by the Brazilian style grilled pineapple I had a couple of weeks ago. I’m thinking this would pair well with some Bahamian style rum cake.

Applying a cut onion to the bite also helps for itching if you don’t mind smelling like onion.

Also people need to stop asking what a person’s spouse/significant other does. I always read this as a sneaky way of trying to guess my household income especially since it’s almost always a coworker who asks.

Thanks for sharing that captain awkward blog. She seems to have some decent advice on other things too.

A long list of odd behaviours the highlights of which include things like: finding odd reasons to touch me inappropriately, staring at me or taking photos of me at family events only when he thinks I’m not looking (again, haven’t noticed him do this to others).

It’s so true. Im not a parent but if I saw this going on with my child or any child I’d probably be way less inclined to just bear with it to spare anyone’s feelings. And the fact that it feels odd to me has to mean something.

Exactly. I’m fortunate that we live very far away from this person and only see him every few years for family events. If I had to deal with him on a regular basis I probably would risk making more of a big deal when he does these things and have to have a frank discussion about it.