
It is more than the hugging thing. For example, this person finds reason to touch me that make no sense and allows that touch to linger for too long (amongst other creepy behaviours). Case in point, the other day he felt the need to practically caress/pet my arm just to ask me if I wanted more water at dinner. I

He wouldn’t be upset with me. It’s a lot of subtle things that this person does. Anyone thing on its own could maybe be overlooked but taken altogether it is definitely not normal behaviour.

I feel funny bringing it up because I know it would hurt him and I’d like to keep the drama to a minimum.

Lol as clumsy as I am I could actually pull this off in the most natural way possible.

I don’t want to start a whole thing between my husband and his relative. Luckily I am only around this person a few times every few years.

Good way to keep in control of the hug.

I think this could work. I might have to practice to make it seem natural.

Speaking of groping, there is a male relative of my husband who gives me the creeps. Long story short, I don’t want this person hugging me one second longer than necessary. We are currently visiting my husbands family and this relative will be seeing us off at the airport on Tuesday. How do I cut the hug very short

This is beautiful. The world needs more stories like this and less involving trump.

It’s so petty I love it. Nicki and Katy just keep giving me reasons to love them.

Because there can be no other reason a sexual assault victim wouldnt want the whole world up in their business right?

Id like to think of this article as a cleverly disguised call to arms for the hackers of the world.

I felt the worst for his wife in that movie. Emma Thompson. Hope she gets her happy ending in the sequel.

I went off Kate spade after my lame ass former boss bragged about buying Kate spade purses for his wife and daughters for Christmas and how awesome it was that the shop girls paid him so much attention while he shopped.

I went off Kate spade after my lame ass former boss bragged about buying Kate spade purses for his wife and

That Boy is going to go on to do great things.

She looks like Ms. Piggy in this video.

Hallelujah to everything. I really can’t stand Toxic Kenya. When she was going on about how they were “acting” I just thought she should know fakeness when she sees it. I’m convinced she’s a psychopath.

Do it. First place I ever visited inEurope was Amsterdam and I did it alone. I loved every minute of it.

Well done. Proud of France. Bonus: Macron is quite easy on the eyes.

It’s the opposite of a relief for me because I don’t trust anyone to do as good a job taking care of my little guy as I would. We usually take him with us to Europe when we go to visit my in laws. In a couple weeks we will be in Europe for two weeks and can’t bring him because of our crazy itinerary and I’m dreading