
This was the first novel to give me nightmares and turned me into an Atwood fan. The old movie did it no justice. Hopefully this one will.

Maybe he could perform at the inauguration in exchange for all the KFC he could stomach.

It’s saying feed me

St. Ives needs to bring back that DMAE cream they discontinued. It made my skin glow.

We all know how hansel and gretel ended.

I thought I would but then I saw his face and that hair.

He’s cute and rich. I guess she could have done a lot worse.

Maybe they can blur out the 7 people they are worried about implicating.

I fear 2017 way more

I think your perspective is more based in realism than people would like to admit. Growing old is scary and growing old and alone is scarier and without a doubt expensive. I’ve chosen not to have children and this is the only thi that might make me change my mind. Deep down I’m hoping I don’t have to grow old at all

Yes please

Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” I’ve always understood that to mean God looks like all of us and we all look like God.

Well put. I’m Christian and this is how I see God too.

Cocking around the Christmas tree

This is the whitest story ever

If I remember right, she also made reference to some flaccid dumplings.

Good for Tilda. She could have just cashed her cheque and went about her day. Instead, she is making an effort to be woke and to make a difference only to have it thrown back in her face. She came across completely genuine in this exchange.

Totally how I read it too.

This whole time I thought beyonce and Kelly actually were cousins.

Man threading sounds like something to be done to men with bushy eyebrows