
Great article. I’d like to think they’d just take each other out if we left them be but that may be wishful thinking.

Way to minimize someone’s experience.

I feel like sometime in the last month I died and woke up in a comedic opera.

I like it. Has a sound that reminds me of my carefree youth of the late 90s early 00s

Adding this to my list for Santa.

The first time my cousin’s kid called me Auntie Mandy I cringed. But it’s grown on me. Kids should be free to use their choice of respectful names. Dad, daddy, papa, whatever.

As a cheesaholic myself I feel for these two.

Break out the tiny violins for Ms. Conway.

I wouldn’t hold it against them if they had done a respectful portrayal. The holocaust theme can be done. The problem was I saw no connection between that routine and the holocaust. Take them out of the tacky costumes and you’d have no idea that they were portraying holocaust victims. I think what irritated me most

How is that even allowable?

Fuelled by stein’s guilt over diverting votes away from Hillary no doubt.

Not good enough to fire her. She should never be allowed to earn a living wage ever again.

Look and Whaling and Ramsey Taylor and then look at Michelle. Nuff said.

I’d say Stockholm syndrome certainly applies to the women who voted trump.

I approve of this message.

Odd, all I want to do is fuck. I guess we all cope with tragedy differently.

Too late. I’ve always been a little bit misanthropic. Yesterday just justified my lack of faith in humanity.

I wouldn’t kick him out of bed

I don’t care if she was selling ceviche she made without washing her hands first. Jail time is not justified. A fine yes. Jail is for real criminals. America is too incarceration-happy.

Hillary duff did nothing wrong except for not telling her boyfriend to rethink his choice.