
I hate pence but as a doggy mummy I feel for him.

Yeah you bet I wood

There are native reserves in Canada that look more like something out of a developing nation than anything. It’s a disgrace.

Billy Bob got lost on his way to the democrat office where he wanted to spray paint his nazi social club’s approval for the republican-of-the-year.

It’s wher my mind went first.

Id like to think I could keep it together but this would probably be me if I ever met Jewel

Can I just say va-va-voom! Michelle is looking foine in that pic! Brains and beauty. Barack really won the lottery.

Over here they’d already have been charged with hat speech. “No credible threat” my ass. America: the land of foxes guarding hen houses.

No, it really wasn’t anything close to the racial discrimination experienced by this doctor but it was still discrimination. Imagine if the only Asians on a delta flight were given chopsticks for their meals? Suddenly it doesn’t seem so polite right?

This is a joke right? My afternoon nap lasted longer than I thought and today is April Fools? Because I know that sniffly, coke encrusted Cheeto didn’t just accuse Hillary of being on drugs.

I flew Korean Air a few years ago and the flight attendants gave everyone around us chopsticks to eat their dinners and gave my husband and I (the only two westerners in sight) forks. Didn’t ask if we had a preference. I’d been eating with chopsticks for about half my life at that point. There is a lot of this kind of

That is not how babies crawl.

That guy in the first pic - it’s like watching a cow wearing a tshirt advertising HP sauce.

No but I might let him grab me by the pussy.....too soon?

Sounds like it was him or them. If she was a white little girl she never would have seen the inside of a cell.

What is scary is that even if the n-word tapes get released there will still be the sam amount of “undecideds” left (of all colours). Smh

Can someone please start a GoFundMe for this? Pretty please?!


But he only sexually harasses women under 35.

Well, if nothing else, at least the little Lochtes will have their inherited good looks to fall back on. They’ll need it.