
Of course those two are friends. Birds of a feather.

If Trump is Republican payback for a black president, I dread to see what comes 8years after Hillary becomes president. Heaven help us.

1700s Paris for the dresses alone. The occasional dangerous liaison would also be welcome.

I’d do her and I’m a straight woman

Which is the hot one?

Michelle for president of everything 2016. That is all.

If I’m going in looks alone it would be a yes for me. I dig silver foxes.

So he’s a sex addict

I would almost love to see Trump win just to see it backfire on these smug, self-righteous morons

Michelle is too smart to run for president.

That was a baby t-Rex so does that make her a pedophilosaurus?

Those glasses though! I want!

I can’t stand the man and I only watched an hour of the debate but I was surprised to see how much of a big deal people are making about his sniffles now.

I saw this and thought it was brilliant. Not that making a trump attack ad is difficult. There is just so much material to work with.

It’s possible that he just doesn’t understand the concept of a high five yet.

I don’t see the crime. Surely he could have just been issued a warning and sent on his way. I’m guessing this is a town that has a near zero crime rate and nothing better for the cops to do with their time.

I for sure thought that was going to get a shade ruling. I guess I still have much to learn.

This is like Di Blasio saying that intentional explosion wasn’t terrorism. More heads in the sand.

I loved Martha before all the hipsters jumped on board. This is just one more reason why.

John Travolta?