
There is one airport I’ve been to a few times (maybe Charleston?) that has attendants in every. single. bathroom. Like, I’m 3/4 through a 20-hour trip. I need to do things that I do not need an audience for. And I’m not even carrying any American currency. Ugh, I hate that airport for that reason.

Domestic abuse is beginning to seem like a litmus test for the Trump administration. You can only be considered if you’re a domestic abuser. I mean, Donald himself has a fairly well-documented history in the department.

Haha, it would be so awesome if feeling guilty kept Catholics from being smug! In my experience there’s actually a strong correlation between how much guilt a religious person feels and how smug they are. It’s a kind of emotion release valve - unable to escape the guilt and unwilling to reject the cause of it, they

Having been raised Catholic, I don’t think you technically even needed to go that far. I’ve heard that you can baptize someone in the kitchen sink so long as you say the right words. Rumor has it my grandmother did that to baptize a few of my cousins since my aunt is non-practicing and never tried to baptize them.

I wish they would correctly refer to them as “Ivana’s children” or “Marla’s children” because Trump had zero involvement in raising them and even if they were the remarkable people the media tries to claim they are, he deserves zero credit for that.

Thank you! It’s infuriating how people give these pe0ple the benefit of the doubt when history and common sense tells us that they are probably awful people. The fact that Chelsea Clinton is friends with Ivanka makes me think less of her, as well. Best to assume that anyone who grew up rich and white is shitty until

Is it just me or is it bothersome when some Christians say that they are okay with gay people because even though it’s a sin everybody sins? That just seems rude and not really tolerant to me.

You know who I kind of like? Rudy Guiliani’s daughter, who stumped for Obama and Hillary.

This. There are millions of people on Earth that got a raw deal, and I have to feel bad for a trust fund kid that gets ignored by her asshole dictator father? Pass.

And that is why I’m not buying the whole “Taffany is the normal one” POV. There’s no evidence either way. I think we all just want her to not like her dad, but I haven’t seen any real compelling evidence that’s true... yet.

And thanks to you too. It is nice when an internet argument ends on friendly terms. It’s getting rarer for that to happen these days.

Totally agreed. And I read your other comment too and I see what you’re saying and where you’re coming from. I have a narcisstic, abusive mother that is indifferent towards me at best and openly distains me at worse. I might be projecting because I cut ties and can’t imagine stumping for her. But it’s not fair to

Well said. What the fuck is going on here?

I swear I write this comment on every article on his stupid kids but it’s soft sexism to me. People say they feel bad for Tiffany, ivanka and melania. That they respect kellyanne’s game. But Eric and don jr are torn to shreds. Same with bannon. Why?

I feel actively bad for people who aren’t priveleged enough for Daddy to get them into Harvard Law. I feel bad for people living on the streets, or working three jobs. I feel bad for people who are being foreclosed on. I feel bad for lots and lots of people. Tiffany Trump is NOT one of them. Cry me a god damned river.

That’s what I was expecting too when I first saw it and it was a relief that that isn’t where they went.

I am really happy they didn’t go the route of ‘boy gets rejected by girl, then plans shooting because of said rejection’.

Anyone even remotely familiar with the guy knows he’s an actor. What kind of actor refuses to let his character wear a hat because he, himself, doesn’t support the team on the hat? How petty and unprofessional is that? How was that even an issue?

Kanye has low-key over the years discussed legitimate mental health issues. I am not somebody who dismisses Kanye as ‘crazy’, but he’s been reasonably direct about it. For all his antics he is still a person, and I hope he’s ok.