
You are correct. I’m glad that all of my Jeze-friends aren’t letting me off the hook for initially getting this one wrong.

This is a great post and I genuinely appreciate being called out.

Ignoring the little things is how we end up with a pussy grabber in the WH.

As women, we are always being told that our issues are less important than the “real issues.” Fuck that. This happened at the State Capitol. It’s wrong.

Or they could just go full frontal and say, These cakes are in terrible taste, you’re acting like sexist jerks, and while we’re at it, what is this science legislation you’re trying to shove through that looks like something straight out of Nazi Germany?

Treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed is an unacceptable and pernicious trend that needs to be called out.

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

Ding! Fucking heathens, eating pumpkins. Sweet tater pie or GTFO.

Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!

“How do you feel about your work being coopted by literal Nazis?”

I’m not trying to nit-pick, my point is just that we have no idea whether or not this type of behavior was a regular occurrence for this teacher. As a lot of other teachers posted upthread, it often takes time to get the evidence needed to boot an abusive teacher, so this could have just been the time she finally got

You’re throwing around the term “nervous breakdown” here - plenty of other teachers may get burnt out, but that’s not the same as a mental breakdown. It is also inaccurate to say this teacher in particular had a “nervous breakdown” - it looks like this woman just got caught being abusive and then using a racial

Defending this woman’s comments are fucking ridiculous. YES everyone deals with stressful days and kids/teens can be frustrating but don’t go into a job that deals with kids/teens if you cannot handle it and go on racist tirades after a bad day. Teachers lose their cool and get upset, even the best teachers can feel

I get being frustrated, but there’s no excuse for her language or behavior! As the adult in the room, she should have acted like it. When she grabbed the kid to throw him out of the classroom I was in shock- then she finished strong by being super fucking racist.

I’d bet you a year’s salary she’s defending herself by claiming the kids are the real racists.

I got married later than most: Age 39. By then, my oldest “friend” was a drunken drama queen who flirted with my husband at my bridal shower. Needless to say, she was invited to the wedding, sat at the table as far from me as possible, and her husband had to carry her out before the cake was cut. I found out 10 years

Not to mention the danger she’s putting the child in. Violence against transgendered people is rampant enough now that people in the community know that there’s no family support it makes for an easier target bc no one’s mom/dad are going to be hunting them down with a shotgun.

“Their rights” in the sense that they think they have the “right” to basically own and control their children as they see fit. I’ve seen this argument about “rights” being violated a lot in the fundie homeschool community, ‘cause God forbid we have standards as to how well children are educated.

Let’s hope the daughter countersues this — person — for harassment and emotional distress.