
Basically what I need to know is that it wasn’t the tea itself that made her sick, right? It was all the other mystery stuff added in...? Don’t take my tea.

I think that’s a good question. Is this limited to Texas or that just where this particular study was done?

Are boys and girls incarcerated at different rates? Does it seem possible that it’s more unusual to see girls commit certain crimes so they’re also judged more harshly (in addition to the reasons listed in the article). I’m no scientist...just speculating.

Well at least its featuring Jessa and Jill...not great but not as bad as it could be.

As an update because this has apparently offended people, the child was born about 18 months ago and has started to show signs of physical and developmental disabilities which is why I still think about this situation. I’ve also been accused of lying about that fact because apparently anonymously lying about people

Well, the fact that I’m not her husband, doctor, or server was the reason why I didn’t say anything. I knew that they were not virgin cocktails because I watched her get belligerently drunk...As I’ve said in other comments I’ve known this woman a long time (since the 2nd grade) and we still have a lot of mutual

Yeah, I’ve known this woman a long time. Since the 2nd grade and also watched her get drunk...It was awkward for a lot of people.

Probably correct. I’ve known this woman since childhood and she never cared much for rules or advice.

I mean, it’s not as though I don’t know this woman and also know that the baby has developmental disabilities now. But snark is always good.

I once went to a wedding where a woman who was 8 months pregnant was sitting at my table having multiple (MANY) cocktails. Her husband was providing them. I still struggle with wondering if I should have said something or if it truly was none of my business and it was ok that I said nothing.

You’re not wrong. I think half the people use it for hookups and half the people don’t (or maybe that proportion is wrong idk). I didn’t stay the night at my bfs place until the 5th date and we didn’t have sex until like 6 weeks in so that’s how I knew he wasn’t in it for a hookup. Just be cautious with your feelings

My boyfriend and I met on Tinder. He had a hilarious tagline and awful photos and apparently I was the only match he got because his pictures were so terrible. My reasoning was, this guy is HILARIOUS worst case we become friends. In real life he’s adorable and funny and just awkward enough around girls that it’s

I’m honestly so happy for you! You’re one of my favorite Jezebel writers and though we don’t know each other this genuinely brightened my day! Congratulations on your marriage. Also thank you for using “your” day to take a stand. You’re great!

Honestly I’m on board with not liking this era of public shaming, but can’t we have it in degrees? I mean, this is pretty gross. I’d say it’s almost the same as lying about having cancer in your community for attention.

Thank you for sharing. I think your perspective is very necessary as many sex workers don’t have the resources, opportunities, or ability to speak out so eloquently.

I think this will be a very unpopular opinion. You’re allowed to be any way you want to be when you’re confronted with someone lying about being a part of the same tragedy that killed your parent when you were still a child.

I watched this video (actually watched it on my phone while “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” played in the background...that was weird) and the whole time I was just so....upset. I can’t really even vocalize what made me so upset. I think it’s mixture of self loathing because I agreed with what she was saying (in reference

Oh my god...that story is terrible. I literally gasped thinking about how that mom would feel :(

I think this headline is misleading....It seems she’s suing people for using her likeness to promote products without permission. Michael Jordan just won a lawsuit for that exact reason against a grocery store.

I have an irrational distaste for Gisele. If she posts one more, ONE MORE!, instagram of her doing sunset yoga on a beach with 10 babies strapped to her I’ll lose it.