
Hello! Hi Friend! :)

Lindy is the reason I fell in love with Jezebel. I nearly cried when they announced she was leaving. She inspired me to be an outspoken feminist. I’ll likely never meet her but she’s had a very positive impact on my life. I love that she’s doing so well post Jezebel!

This truly saddens me. I toured Choate and ended up going to a Midwestern boarding school instead. My experience was honestly life changing. Boarding school introduced me to my best friends in life, people that I still see every day decades later. It changed the track of my life and I think I wouldn’t be nearly as

I have to say, each season Lisa becomes less likeable as a person. Idk, she’s lost the ability to make it appear like she’s above the fray.

You’re right, losing Camille was a real bummer but it looks like they’re considering bringing her back!

Can we all agree that losing Kim and gaining Dorit is the biggest tragedy of the housewives era? God Dorit is terrible.

Yikes...I’ve been super busy so I haven’t been as active on the comment boards. I’m sad to hear that the jerks are out en masse.

LOL I had that same thought! What if this is an error?!

Pictorial! I was so excited! I have so many comments to share now haha

I actually audibly gasped at my desk. hahaha

Whatever the reason you’re being treated, you’re still a badass for getting through it!

Don’t feel stupid but definitely don’t take him seriously. This guy is bad news all around (except as a professional mentor apparently). Keep it professional and try to meet someone else for romance.

Wishing you all the best. Chemo is such a monster, but my mom went through it 15 years ago and got to see me grow up because of it. I hope your results are just as positive!

I haven’t been on a Saturday Night Social in ages.

That’s exactly it. Who among us hasn’t gotten drunk and fallen? My friend just happened to do it at the exact wrong time.

In the wake of this accident are probably countless heartbroken and shocked friends and family.

A very dear friend of mine died last summer. She was drunk and she fell from a balcony. I wasn’t there when it happened but I was sleeping in the house so I was there for the entire investigation. There literally wasn’t anyone around who wasn’t a “witness” or the police because it was 1:30am on a weeknight.

I think that’s a very pretty way to say it. I personally actively desire to never get pregnant or have children. These articles frighten me further and make my desire to avoid it even stronger. I wish this woman all the best and hope she is able to have her healthy baby someday and be mentally healthy again herself.

Ok so this made me physically sick. I knew pregnancy could get ugly but I had no idea this ugly. Jesus. I hope she gets counseling and shit ton of support from her loved ones. Also I hope she goes to HR on that boss of hers.

Holy shit.