
I’m guessing the quote is meant more to say, adding women to the draft is misguided because there shouldn’t be a draft. A draft means the person there doesn’t want to be there man or woman. I don’t think this was specifically saying that women who are drafted are not warriors but men are.

FYI I laughed loud enough at this comment that my coworkers checked to see what I was up to.

Jesus that happened? I would flip out if that was me.

I read somewhere that Christina Hendricks gets real pissed when people refer to her as plus sized so this might have been a faux pas for Glamour in more than one way

Right, but they’re all within a single episode, which is why I thought they could just change when they air it. Other commenters have explained that they only edit and prep one episode at a time so now I understand that’s not possible.

Idk, it’s not like there’s a plot to Say Yes...they could have just changed the episode date to later in the season no?

My roommate and I were joking about that. He was already back tracking in the episode “I love her, but...” and I think he’s legit scared of those brothers! haha

I think we can all agree that he meant it when he said it to Lauren and then the producers forced him to say it to JoJo so we didn’t all tune out before the finale.

Agreed on that front.

That’s wonderful for you both. I personally would not appreciate supporting a person that I was dating (and I likely wouldn’t), nor would I expect a person I was dating to support me (financially of course).

In my opinion if you’re financially supporting someone that you’re dating (male or female) you’re doing it wrong. Financial support should happen only once it’s a partnership and only once bad times hit and only temporarily while you both weather the storm. If you’re handing your credit card over to someone for any

Well here’s some super unrealistic advice.

Did anyone notice the ad directly under this article for $10 speed reading courses?

My father spent my whole life telling me he NEVER EVER wanted to see me dependent on a man for a roof over my head. He must have started preaching that to me when I just a toddler. It’s so ingrained in me now that I will never have a joint checking account and I told my boyfriend that if we ever get married I’m having

I knew a girl a long time ago and now we’re facebook friends. She’s always been a really immature self absorbed angsty hot topic kind of person. Anyway she’s 23 now with 2 kids and a baby on the way. One of which she had planned on being a paid surrogate parent and then ended up keeping the child against the original

For real though, fuck these people. Shame on them.

This headline....perfection haha

LOL That’s an extremely accurate portrayal of the only bachelorette party I’ve ever been to. To be fair it is supposed to be the only time that particular person gets married.

Ah yes I vaguely remember that....at this point all of Trumps tremendous racism blends together.

To be fair, I could just be a judgmental jerk who enjoys the bar too much...