
I wouldn’t argue that at all, I just think we can be critical but also give credit for a solid effort.

Pretty aggressive response to a turn of phrase. No need to pick a fight, we’re all on the same side.

Has something even remotely comparable to this been done before? Is there any precedence for taking it away? Totally agree it should happen, I’m just wondering how they could without a conviction of any kind? Are there legal barriers?

I see a lot of comments saying that the 77% stat is only white women and that for this reason this is bad. I still think it’s cool. I like that this company is drawing more attention to wage disparity. I’ll agree that people of color have it worse but just because someone’s activism isn’t perfect doesn’t make them bad

She can’t possibly have the income necessary to support giving $600 as a tooth fairy, right? If she does I’m doing something very wrong.

I wish I was confused by this but I’m not. I’m gathering that they have more of a business relationship than a love relationship and it’s probably really hard for her to accept that she dedicated her life to advancing the career of a monster. So that’s why she has to believe that these women wanted the drugs and the

I saw this on Gawker yesterday. Even reading it again it still sounds like horrible satire. YES, you are supposed to sit on 4 acres of dirt when your state will have NO WATER in less than a year!

OMG I just looked her up and she’s 40 now. This blows my mind. I hate how fast time passes.

How effective is someone going to be at their job while they can’t think about anything but breast cancer? This is just...gross...

Waaaaaaaiiiiit? What? This is “discouraged” What major piece of the puzzle am I missing that this isn’t something that gets you fired and then arrested in your home nation?

Ok is anyone surprised that Hef was a man that manipulated women? Especially young naive women with stars in their eyes?

dafuq? I almost feel bad commenting because that’s clearly what this was about. Attention grabbing bullshit.

I’m a terrible standardized test taker...currently wishing my genius ex bf looked more like me and wasn’t 6’4”

Super cute story. I’m sure you smile about it to yourself all the time. I know I would.

For some reason (this isn’t even my problem) the idea of this causes me extreme stress, like these people are hellbent on upsetting you? Weird...

It’s ok for people to get words wrong every now and then. Otherwise the pressure of always being right might stop them from being adventurous with their vocab!

Here’s someone who knows how to make the MOST out of jury duty.

Terrible all around but I can’t imagine what the daughter is feeling right now. She left for a few minutes and now her mother is gone and in mortal danger. God, that’s the type of thing you see on lifetime, not in your real life.

LOL well I’m just going to keep it that way and call the white lie a love lie ;)

OMG this just gave me nightmares hahaha