
These are all very practical tips. Consider them followed in my life.

LOL that’s one way to look at it! haha

OMG horrible. I would probably scream bloody murder if someone did that to me! haha

1) great username

Thanks for offering that perspective. Maybe I’ll never be comfortable and that’s ok too.

Yeah for sure. If it bothers you and you want the privacy you are entitled to it.

It is definitely my own comfort level (probably due to social pressures but how can you unconnect those things?)

LOLOLOL Ok well that sounds like hell on a lot of levels.

LOL that’s cute in it’s own bizarre way haha

Completely fair!

Is it because you’re self conscious or because you just think that bodily functions kill the magic sexy that exists at the beginning of a relationship?

That’s funny you say that...today I was showering and I heard frantic knocking. I turn off the water and I hear my bf shouting “HURRY I HAVE TO POOP IT’S URGENT!!!”

That’s good perspective. Part of being serious is knowing a whole person and not pretending to be perfect anymore.

Thanks for the advice. I think deep down I don’t trust that he’ll still think I’m hot if he hears me farting in the bathroom haha

He says that all the time. “onsdn! I know you poop! I’m not going to stop loving you or making love to you because you’re human.” but I still can’t get past it...

I’m a big girl and I’ve found a way to love summer (air conditioning is a non negotiable part of that plan, though)

You lucky thing you! She’s the cutest!

Honestly, if I don’t have anything that NEEDS to get done that day I’ll indulge in a nothing day

Background. I started dating my amazing bf about 5 months ago and he has exceeded expectations on all fronts.

I wish this was a book about how to hustle (meant in the urban dictionary definition) your way to fame. THAT is a subject she’s qualified to educate me on.