
“When this great nation was established, the African-American community experienced unemployment close to 0% in certain portions of the country.”

This show is so good. It doesn’t get nearly enough run out there in popular culture, but after season 2, I honestly can say it’s my most anticipated show to return this year.

This is why we watch sports. These moments of pure joy summoned from the almost impossible artistry being conducted on the field. In moments like this, we can forget the drudgery of being an international super model, we can ignore the pulsing anxiety node in our brain that says hey you have to email the crown prince

They need to realize that most people that listen to him are listening because they actually want to hear that content. Telling him to tone it down is counterproductive.

I love Dan and hope he enjoys his week off.

The Lebatard Show is consitently the smartest, dumbest, most entertaining show on radio

Come on. Not this one. Not now.

I believe some of the things you describe as faults about the behavior of the characters and the rebellion are actually some of the best subtext in the movie.

To add to your very good list, Saw died because he never would’ve outran the explosion. If Jyn had stopped and tried to save him, they wouldn’t have made it. The guy could barely walk and was on a respirator. He knew it. Jyn knew it. And anyone in the audience paying attention knew it.

Frankly, the move away from Jedi/Republic = good, Sith/Empire = Bad, is the best thing that came out of Rogue One. Seeing the Rebels be selfish dicks, and seeing heroes working to topple the Empire from within is what made the movie, really.

Why did the Rebellion feel the need to kill Galen Erso? Oh I dunno, maybe because he was willing and able to create a superweapon for people who were willing and able to use it? Who knows what they might have made him design next? They had no way of knowing he was working for them reluctantly and even if they did- the

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,



I’m a wizard, Barry.

I love that this has become a reaction image.


Though he’s never mentioned in Jaynes The Bicameral Mind, Ludwig Feuerbach is central to the proceedings. He was the one to originate the idea that God is just a projection of man’s idealized version of himself. In other words, we take all the traits that we value, like wisdom, power, and moral thinking, and objectify


Ben Carson is a world famous neuro surgeon

This felt a lot less like Power Rangers and a lot more like Dark Breakfast Club With Superpowers. It quite clearly looks like they are going straight for the YA audience, the same audience, however, the clearly didn’t go see the Allegiant movie.