
Considering how underleveled I am, I was having fun the other day focusing SOLELY on denying/collecting crests and letting others get kills. I think it’s fun maxing agility and playing a runner.

Nothing better than an in person draft of a new set with friends.

If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.

Accessibility is advancement.

Satellite launches are heavily insured for this exact reason.

A new synopsis for the show’s fourth season premiere has been released:

Dammit. Now I have to go watch the entire show again.

I bet you main reaper :)

Given that St. Jude’s never charges patients’ families a dime beyond what insurance covers (and anyone without insurance is treated for free), and almost 85% of all donations are spent directly benefiting patients, I think we can do without snark about expensive hospitals.

“...reconsider your opinion of them.”

She embraced technology and got updated with the times.

Man, who was the jerk that converted the video from VHS?

I live in one of the towns outside of Hartford so I know your pain. My wife and I have considered trips to NY just for the Pokemon, but have quickly realized the insanity of the idea. Pokemon and pizza though...

There have been reports that Pokemon run away more easily now, but in this case, they couldn’t catch anything for hours, period.

But, that chart shows that we’re already below the mean for this season. So even the gains over mean in May have already been erased. And unless that curve flattens out we will continue to be below the mean. Which would seem to indicate that between 2011 and 2016, we’ve been losing ice. But shit, it’s your chart,

What do Wizards do after school? It really bothers me that there is (seemingly) no form of higher education in the Wizarding world. Although this might explain why there isn't a whole lot of innovation when it comes to magic. Someone pointed out that in Half-Blood Prince a decades old potion book is apparently just as

Why does the sorting hat even exist? The houses are segregated and more or less perpetuate the status quo, leading to most of these problems in the first place. You’ve got a house full of brave popular frat kids that everyone else resents, a house full of smart people, then a house full of just the idiots, and finally

In response to #5

Having not watched the video yet, I’m assuming it ends with this:

Well that explains this...