
I'm really sorry about that Power Rangers blaster thing... I meant to bring it back...

Titanfall had a smooth launch as well.

Do you really believe that a person dying of Ebola, is concerned about being killed by a vaccine? I don't, not to mention the immunity that's being provided by WHO, US Government and the African nations begging for the vaccine.

Oh thank you! Someone else who didn't like Dead Space 2. I was so amped for it and it was a total let down for the reasons you stated above but a couple more. It was too many "gauntlet" type scenarios with the enemies rushing you at once. The last run for the boss was frenetic, but left you with nothing in the end. It

I really only truly like the first Dead Space Game. I felt that the others suffered in terms of plot development. Dead Space 2 begins with a literal repeat of the plot from the first game, only the betrayal is done by a different woman. I was so confused when that happened.

"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

That's not really a "take" as much as it's a "fact" and the subjugation (through the auspices of religion) of the average person in that part of the world has been taking place for hundreds of years. The clerics and religious scholars were doing it before western powers arrived, and after the colonization of the area

To be clear, I had a lot "wait, what?" moments with the Bear books that forced me to re-read a passage. But that's weirdness that I had to dig through was what I enjoyed so much about them. I had a friend who did them audio book style (he had what sound like the same issues you did reading them), and he loved it

I've read 'em all, multiple times. Fall of Reach, Contact Harvest, Onyx etc. are all more exciting and action packed for sure, but Greg Bears stuff is just chock full of weird, cool stuff and loads of important Halo lore. The series I liked the least would probably be the Karen Travis stuff. I had to slog through

"They can be a great people, Kal-El, if they wish to be. All they lack is the light to show them the way."

So 5 people, yeah, some people MAY be able to do that, but your chance is near zero. Just had a group earlier that did it and I think we had full team of 27 (maybe one 26) that had prior experience on the first few parts and it took us 3-4 hours.

I definitely agree with this. Instead of asking for a date, phrase it as a date to which s/he's already agreed.

Great suggestion. In my experience, the key feature is the level of detail, which you can preserve in a question. "I'm going out to $THIS_PUB on Friday at 8 for a pint. Would you care to join me?" Either way saves a lot of time waffling over time and place.

Money is very good way of attracting people who are only attracted to money.

Confidence, on the other hand, is almost universally attractive.

If they put in the now infamous "10 seconds to return to map" before killing you into the Single player or multiplayer maps from Halo 2, I'm going to pass. I spent more time hopping about outside of maps then actually in them.

You loved Halo 2. The writer of this article is bringing up a lot of stuff he didn't love about it. And even goes as far as to say the multiplayer feels ancient these days. It sounds like he prefers faster paced (hear CoD) multiplayer.

With that in mind I can safely conclude that this author is not all that into Halo,

Worse than that...you will replay the old game and realize that your memories of it aren't representative of the reality. So many good memories are ruined, utterly, when you revisit them later. Want a great example. Go watch GI Joe cartoons...or Thundercats (the original one).

In which Kotaku let's someone who dislikes Halo write an article concerning an upcoming Halo game.

Oh just like when they remade the first game?

"Lo, The Toast and The Butter arrived on this world and granted us with The Jam, a sweet substance that sustained life and gave us hope that the aliens would indeed satiate our hunger.