
Team White Walkers.

I imagine there won't be a Greyjoy uniform, because we all know that Greyjoys don't sew.

Sad that someone married a pathetic loser like yourself.

Doesn't every team need a batboy?

They have said that in their patch notes. Though in my opinion, they seem like they only care about the OTK combos that require very few cards. Hence, 8 to 10 mana Pyroblast and the change of Warsong Commander and Charge. Preset Gorehowl into Alexstraza and the old charge.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The

If Ayn Rand wrote Harry Potter, Voldemort would be the hero.

Ain't no party like a back door party cuz a back door party starts really slowly, and nobody is allowed in until the host says so, and even then slow the fuck down or you aren't ever getting in there again unless you fucking slow down, stop, okay let me breath for a second, stop, I said knock it off, okay fucking

It's a failure for gaming.

same, I love my kinect. I also bought a Titanfall Bundle at $450, and actually only paid $350 after trades, so that might be informing my opinion a bit. However, the voice and gesture features is what sold me on the XB1 over the PS4. Ultimately they're both just gaming systems and they'll play games well, maybe

You're the guy!

Many people that are ranting today keep forgetting that the questionable Xbox One requirements weren't Microsoft's only issues - they also had Windows 8 to deal with. As a company, they've been fixing huge screw-ups for their two biggest products for the last 1.5 years. I agree with your points. At some point, they

I agree, me too.

Friendly minions should only die when this card is in play. She's like the common denominator of all of the stark deaths lol.

Be carried away by said Dragons for 37 turns, player cannot act or leave room until 38th turn.

Dinklage just killed that final scene. All the hurt, resentment, and anger he has carried over a lifetime just came pouring out, directed not only at his family, but at the entire populace of King's Landing. It wasn't tactful at all but the vitriolic honesty was absolutely riveting.

If you had told me that a movie starring TOM CRUISE would find a way to poignantly and respectfully display the last days of Samurai culture, I would have laughed at you. In fact, I did laugh at this movie... up until I saw it. Holy crap was it good.

The weird thing, to me, is that it's even still a story about trying to get laid. The sexless undertone seems like an aside to the incidental kitten genocide at the heart of it all.

This whole column makes me realize how unwittingly lucky I was in high school: I aimed for a mediocre girl early and ended up having sex nearly every morning before Junior & Senior year - no cheerleader fantasies for this guy. Sure, she flashed people at parties and ended up cheating on me with my first college