
I think this needs to go beyond education. The anti-vaxxer crowd are a health menace and are willfully ignorant —they will not let themselves be educated.

Pet theory: Stand movie = backdoor pilot for Dark Tower series.

People like to brag about this for a few reasons

In golf, the course is the defense. Using your logic nothing is a sport because all sports can be boiled down to a learned skill. You can teach most people to be decent baseball players given time and dedication. Same with football. Would they be able to join the pro leagues? No. But there are people who are very

Hey look, we're gray again. Now I feel like those people in the prison from Dark Night Returns. gotta try and claw myself back up to the light again.

What secondary?

Also did you ever get the feeling the Peter wasn't exactly being completely truthful when he told Olivia that he preferred her over Fauxlivia?

Where's Fauxlivia? The alternate Fringe cast was pretty damn awesome.

Fuck you! The Ranch is in Southington! Us Bristolites have Bleachers! ::shudders::

That joke should be getting old. It isn't.

Haha great point! I've actually become more and more interested in the Wii U as time has worn on, but I like sports games as well so I'm kind of out of luck in that area. I will say that Nintendo has done far more this year to convince me to buy a Wii U than either of the other two have done to convince me to buy

"Trust me here, Luke, being an insufferable, petulant little shit got me a fair amount of action in my day. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but you're like 60 years old and I don't see any Skywalkers running around. Just a bunch of Solos—as if one wasn't enough! And your sister barely lets me even talk to them

"I...I think I may love this movie."


Harry Potter and the Prostate of Secrets.

Right, I'm a guy with a very large number of female friends. Would I jump at the chance to start a romantic relationship with a number of the them? Absolutely! Is that the reason I'm friends with them? Absolutely not; I value each for her own unique personality, as well as the company she brings with these feelings

typically guys only have friends that are girls because they want to sleep with them.

Halo 3 had the absolute best online community of any game ever. Period. Matchmaking was perfect, and with the advent of forge people's imaginations made custom games a thing of beauty. Best gaming days of my life.

That War of Northern Aggression line was a joke...