
The nature of The Force?

"Daario (who is totally transformed by his love for Daenerys, to the point where he's almost unrecognizeable)"


The scars on my client prove nothing more than how dangerous the alleged "victims" really were, your honor. Does the expert witness not opine that the damage was caused when these so-called-victims "came too close" to my client? Scientific proof that it was they who attacked him! J'accuse!

I agree with you 100% about the whole "rape as a plot device" not being relevant here, because there really did have to be something so believably horrific that Rick would have gone to any lengths to stop it. And this was it.

OK, that bit at the end did make me chuckle.

I hope their first word is still "pizza."

the minus is due to the fact that the paper was supposed to be about the Outkast song.

For the same reason PBS gives you a tote bag or a DVD of one of their shows when you donate. A little trinket helps grease the charity wheels. "Investing" means you get a financial return based on how the company performs later. People who donate to kickstarter don't get shit.

WHAT? Dracula spawned the freaking genre! If teen witch beats out the king of the bloodsuckers, there's something seriously wrong here.

Guns to attract the twitchers; phone to attract the thinkers.

I love the show, Deathstroke finally appearing to exact vengeance, the whole team lining up to take him on, etc... but I think the Shado death outrage has been mishandled from day one. It's like they're bending over backwards to give Slade a reason to hate him and they simply don't have to. Yes, Slade would be angry

Can I just point out that both Portal games did have time travel, but only in one direction.

I said "a little" lol

I loved the show, especially the last half of it, and while I wouldn't burn it with fire, the finale was a little underwhelming. There was a nice fist fight and all, but the confrontation could have been so much more I felt.

The only person who really resisted the ring was Faramir.

Sam also resisted the ring.

How about Roland vs. the the Crimson King? They were never even in the same room at the end.

"Have you forgotten about me....Red?"
"I..I never...all this candy."
"Yes....Red. All the candy... all the candy to raise your beloved ones."
"What do you want from me?!"
"Love...Red. All I ever wanted was love....but all you ever wanted was candy."
"I...missigno, I am... so sorry!"
"Don't be...Red. Just promise me that you