
there but for the grace of Stephen King go we

Under the age of 10? The Great Mouse Detective. Say what you will! Ratigan was a scary dude!

Personally, I'd be just as happy to see Laurel get written off. She doesn't really bring anything to the show right now other than relationship angst and I got enough of that with Smallville's Lana to last a lifetime.

It would be cool if ILM could remove this and replace it with an original idea.

This might be my favorite moon photo of all time now. Couldn't be the Enterprise though. No lens flare in the shot.

I lost it at Supes handing over his "trunks". Bahahahahahahahaha. Well, it's about time.

Well, remember, by definition this is a pre-Crisis story. Therefore the alternative universes all still exist. Surely Krypton was spared in some of them.

Personally, I'm open minded. Stories evolve. If Krypton had survived in the comics and filmmakers proposed to destroy it, there would be just as much objection.