
This is the type of hard hitting journalism I crave.

Raise your hand if you think all hope for humanity is lost, because this was actually a thing.

Well, they sure showed him! Realistically, Cam should be allowed to discipline Rivera and the GM for building this shit team around him.

Wow that last girl, totally a side-piece. Winced the entire read through.

I got new toothbrushes for me and the Mrs! HOTY.

I love this response so much.

TripleWRECK just gets it, man. Destiny was at its absolute best when primary weapons were viable in most engagements. I main his exact loadout specifically to counter the special weapon meta (MIDA against snipers, sidearm against shotgunners). But I also think Bungie gets it too. Destiny 2 is going to be a hell of a

Holy shit.

Laughed out loud in a boring work meeting at the 5'8" line. Dude! I’m 5'7", and I’ve gotten plenty of loving in my life. It’s a non-issue. Have faith! And build that confidence.

/r/DestinyTheGame is probably one of the best subreddits out there. I frequented it enough that I turned into a full blown redditor. Once you learn how to set your account to only the content you want to consume, it really is one of the best sites I visit. But that’s just my opinion.

Max agility Striker Titan with Dunemarchers, Jolder artifact, and MIDA. Move over kiddos, daddy likes to go fast.

Well shit Kirk, now I need to rewatch the whole damn series again.

This has really been my one and only criticism of Destiny from the very beginning. I think at this point, the core game offers enough activities (4 raids, PoE, Strikes, CoO, AF, ToO, and Crucible) to sustain the game without this infuriating grind for blues. I get it. There are “efficient” ways to get infusion fuel.

Class items. Class items everywhere. I get them consistently, but they aren’t substantially beneficial - the occasional piece is 1-2 points above my currently equipped gear. I’ll get there, it’s just slow going and that’s rough on someone with very little time to play who also likes to raid blind.

Waiting on blue drops for infusion fuel is 100% RNG, and I don’t consider those to be rewards. The reward is the crispy gunplay, fun as hell raids, and awesome PVP. My criticism of Destiny (800+ hours in) has always been and always will be that players should be able to easily progress by doing the activities that

I feel you. “Go do the heroic strike playlist - engrams decrypt at higher light” would be fine, if I hadn’t played through those same strikes for countless hours. Thought Archon’s Forge would be different/cool way to level, but in 12 hours I’ve had one offering drop and no one ever seems to be anywhere near it in my

I’m happy for you haha

Is it wrong that after 2 years/800 hours I’m tired of those strikes? There is SO MUCH to do in Destiny. I find it absolutely infuriating that I need to do something that I genuinely despise for hours on end to be able to do the thing that I do enjoy (Trials/Iron Banana/Raid).

Man, I did 5 strikes in a row Saturday morning and wanted to jump head first into a fire. I think I got a whopping 2 LL’s out of it and zero enjoyment. Expansion was fun, don’t get me wrong. And at least I can still play normal Crucible when I want. But I’ll probably be locked out of the raid for a really long time

What is the right way? That Destiny still has a right and a wrong way to play/progress is what I find so infuriating about it.