
I think his clear meaning is that he wants, through his complete political ignorance yet equally complete political hubris, to reduce our nation to a standard of living beneath that of El Salvador, thereby making it wholly unattractive to immigrants of any kind. Since, y’know, that’s literally the only way immigration

Soooooo...how did he win? If he doesn’t get along with other Republicans, and, to the rest of us, rightly appears as a cocknosed insane jerkoff who only cares about God, guns, and being elected to public office, then who voted for him? Is Kentucky really that full of hate-filled, shithead wingnuts?

This woman comes across as more than a bit unhinged. Having worked in bars for 20 years, I would have had much the same reaction as the Crown Vic’s manager. Yeah, you are incredibly annoying and probably provoke lots of people into punching you. Deal with it yourself. Not my problem.

Eh. I very much like the taste of coffee, but can find caffeine quite irritating unless I’m about to perform some physical activity; my mind races quite enough, naturally. I’m finding little outrage to gin up.

You are hilariously frothy.

I actually think he would shit himself in fear if he won. It would mean he would actually have to work. Hard. Being president is much more difficult and thankless than “running” a joke campaign for president.

Traitors and collaborators always get it the worst when revolution comes. He’ll get his.

That seals it! I’m having my surgery performed by an amateur neurosurgeon!

I bet 1st half under 109 and game under 215 and still don’t know how both hit, but would like to thank Steph for taking the 2nd quarter off.

Certainly smart enough not to waste any more time with someone as willfully myopic as yourself. Your solipsistic world would be just fine, if you’d only stop insisting upon thrusting yourself and your absolutely asinine, self-absorbed opinions into the actual world.

For what, exactly? I don’t really get the feeling there was an NDA involved here, or anything constituting breach of contract. Libel? Only if it can be proven fake. What grounds for bringing a civil suit?

People defending Tebow as a viable NFL quarterback will never stop being funny.

I know there isn’t any doubt that the conservative agenda strongly emphasizes control over women (combined with ultra-creepy father/daughter incest overtones, constantly), but did Faux bring out an equally-ridiculous “panel of fathers” to discuss mass school shootings perpetrated by “sons?”

Please do go fuck yourself until further notice.

Isn’t that pretty much every page of the Vikings playbook?

And Mtn. Brook. But Mtn. Brook may as well have a direct pipeline into UA.

He used to hang out at a bar I worked at during the SNL days. He was always very, very pleasant and friendly, and never “over-served.”

“The Silent Majority” means “quietly racist white people who assume all other white people are also racist,” right?

You can’t be this dumb. By your logic, people should only hold jobs in which they are willing to be taken advantage of, and if they don’t like being taken advantage of in one job, they should find a job where they don’t mind being taken advantage of.

Color me shocked into paralysis that a woman (who) named (herself) “Doe Deere” is a bit of a narcissist.