
Yeah, he’s going to read this and get his feelings hurt.

Haha, I did a little damage to my liver in college one night while blacked out because I took some tylenol. For a while I just couldn’t even taste alcohol without gagging. Smoking weed and making friends with pets was my go to. It also made me not give a fuck at all about what people thought about me, and finally, the

“No, no, guys! Put those away! You’re supposed to caulk the wagons!”

If the viewer pays attention during the first film, the only one of the lot who’s remotely scientific is Spengler. Venkman is an outright fraud, and his methods are atrocious. Even though Murray largely drives the film, his character is a snake oil peddler throughout, and Spengler does most of the heavy scientific

Except that everything they said turned out to be true and all the science they practiced actually worked. Except for that they were frauds?

I was the friend that showed her ass while drunk. It didn't start out that way, but that was what ended up happening in recent months.

I've recently quit drinking, and I have this problem as well. I get really bored hanging out in like an hour. It's cut my social life in half, which really hasn't been that big a deal, turns out.

I’ve gave up alcohol about a year ago to lose weight and save cash and I understand this. While there’s no 1-for-1 replacement for alcohol (really, it sucks that it works as well as it does) I’ve had some really solid luck with Kava candies. You can get a 4-pack of blister packs on Amazon for about 15-16 bucks and

Drunk people are the worst, but they are nicely countered by the awesomeness of a friendly dog.

The reason people drink is so they can tolerate their "friends".

Let’s give it up for dogs at parties. The true heroes.

I agree totally that's me in the corner with the lemon haze

I've done dry months a couple times and it ends up making me judgier about friends. Everyone drinks to different degrees and shows their intoxication differently. I was fine in bars mostly, but it definitely makes me want to avoid a few friends that drink more heavily and have tendencies to show their asses when drunk.

Dogs are great friends at parties, they don’t like drunk dudes and the girls love them so it’s like having a great wing-man, also they’re great when you don’t want to talk to other people and the best part is when you can cuddle with them to sleep for a little bit.

Can I ask why yes to weed, but no to alcohol? I didn’t smoke weed for the first time until last year, did it twice, and was not into it. I prefer the nice, light buzz I get from alcohol.

Erm, people on cocaine.

If you’re not partaking, gakked up people are insufferable. If you are partaking, you are one of those people (no judgement, it’s a blast).

Cocaine people are the fucking worst.

Same (minus the weed). I gave up drinking six years back, initially as a break, and after a while I had lost a ton of weight, had all sorts of energy I don’t remember having, and pretty much lost interest in going to big gatherings full of people drinking. I put in a brief appearance here and there, but for the most

Give me a vape pen of some good sativa and sit me next to the spinach dip and goldfish crackers. You will have a very happy Butters.

Are they, or are dogs just the best?